Two Letters of St. Philaret on Elder Tavrion of Glinsk Hermitage
Two Letters of St. Philaret the New Confessor on Archimandrite Tavrion (Batozsky) of Glinsk Hermitage (+1978) Letter No. 1 September 9/22, 1980 Dear Father Herman [Podmoshensky], I am sending you material for printing which I have received from a novice of Lesna Convent, Maria Erastova. It is about the last elder of Glinsk Hermitage, Archimandrite Tavrion. According to the information which I have, this wise and pious elder belonged at first to the Catacomb Church; but seeing how the believing people were scattered like sheep without a shepherd, he joined the official church, but in his activity, he stood absolutely apart from it, giving all his strength to the spiritual guidance of believing souls. The Erastova family knew him well and made use of his spiritual guidance. May God help you. Peace be to you and the brethren. With love, Metropolitan Philaret - Letter of Metropolitan Philaret of New York to Abbot Herman (Podmoshensky) of St. Herman of Alaska Monastery, Platina, CA. Pu...