The Essence of the Moscow Patriarchate

The Essence of the Moscow Patriarchate

Examples have been given in order to show with complete clarity the difference between the Church of Confessors and the Church of Traitors. Having become acquainted with the documents, no one will be able to say that the Moscow Patriarchate is the spiritual heir of the Church of Patriarch Tikhon. On the contrary, one can only come to one conclusion. The Moscow Patriarchate differs from the Church of Patriarch Tikhon like darkness from light, like black from white, like lies from truth.

But it can be clearly determined that the Moscow Patriarchate is the spiritual heir of another organization that calls itself the Russian Orthodox Church, namely the Renovationist Church. Reading excerpts from the official statements of the Renovationists and comparing them with the official statements of the Moscow Patriarchate, you inevitably come to the conclusion that they were written as if by the same hand, which in fact corresponds to the truth.

Consequently, the essence of the Moscow Patriarchate can be defined very simply. The Moscow Patriarchate is nothing more than the Soviet church, a creation of godless power, built on lies, and guided by lies in all its manifestations. She is the direct heir of the Renovationist Church, the first “test” creature of Soviet power, as well as the Red Priest movement of revolutionary priests at the beginning of this [20th] century.

- Archpriest Alexander Lebedeff, translated from the “Conclusion” of Плод лукавый. Происхождение и сущность Московской Патриархии [Evil Fruit: The Origin and Essence of the Moscow Patriarchate], Swan Press, Bell Canyon, CA, 1994.


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