The Royal Path: True Orthodoxy in an Age of Apostasy
The Royal Path: True Orthodoxy in an Age of Apostasy St. Seraphim of Platina (+1982) Source: The Orthodox Word , Sept.-Oct. 1976 (70), pp 143-149. As the Fathers say, the extremes from both sides are equally harmful ... [We must] go on the royal path, avoiding the extremes on both sides. – St. John Cassian, Conference II Orthodox Christians live today in one of the great critical times in the history of Christ's Church. The enemy of man's salvation, the devil, attacks on all fronts and strives by all means not merely to divert believers from the path of salvation shown by the Church, but even to conquer the Church of Christ itself, despite the Saviour's promise (Matt. 16:18), and to convert the very Body of Christ into an "ecumenical" organization preparing for the coming of his own chosen one, Antichrist, the great world-ruler of the last days. Of course, we know that this attempt of Satan will fail; the Church will be the Bride of Christ even to the end of the w...