Tuesday, December 24, 2024

A Mother's Prayer for her children


O God! Creator of all living things, adding mercy upon mercy, Thou hast made me worthy to be the mother of a family; Thy goodness hath granted me children, and I dare to say: they are Thy children, because Thou hast given them being, Thou hast given them immortal souls, Thou hast regenerated them for life through Baptism, in accordance with Thy will made them Thy children and accepted them into the bosom of Thy Church. O Lord, preserve them in a state of grace to the end of their life; vouchsafe them to be partakers of the Mysteries of Thy covenant; sanctify them with Thy truth, that through them Thy holy name may be hallowed. Send down upon me the help of Thy grace in their upbringing for the glory of Thy name and the benefit of their neighbours. To this end give me the means, the patience, and the strength. Teach me to implant in their hearts the root of true wisdom - Thy fear. Illumine them with the light of Thy wisdom by which the universe is governed. May they love Thee with all their soul and mind; may they cleave unto Thee with their whole heart and throughout their life may they tremble at Thy words. Grant me the wisdom to convince them that true life consisteth in keeping Thy commandments; that labour, strengthened by piety, provideth untroubled contentment in this life and, in eternity, unspeakable blessedness. Unfold to them the wisdom of Thy law. May they act to the end of their days with a sense of Thine omnipresence; implant in their hearts a honour and a loathing of every transgression; may they be blameless in their ways; may they always remember that Thou, O All-good God, art a defender of Thy law and Thy truth. Keep them in chastity and devotion to Thy name, may they not shame Thy Church by their behaviour, but live according to her injunctions. Inspire in them a desire for useful learning and make them capable of every good deed. May they acquire a true understanding of those matters, a knowledge of which is necessary for their position in life. May they be enlightened with knowledge beneficial for mankind. O Lord, teach me to engrave in the minds and hearts of my children lasting traits of fear of friendship with those who know not Thy fear; to instil the utmost estrangement from any union with transgressors; that they might not pay heed to corrupt conversations, that they might not listen to light-minded people; let not bad examples turn them from Thy ways; let them not be tempted by the fact that sometimes the way of transgression is successful in this world.

O Heavenly Father! Give me the grace to beware in every way of causing temptation for my children by my behaviour, but, constantly bearing in mind their conduct, to divert them from error, to correct their mistakes, control their stubbornness and obstinacy, to restrain them from striving towards vanity and light-mindedness; that they may not be enticed by foolish notions, that they may not walk according to their hearts desire, that they may not become proud in their thoughts, that they may not forget Thee and Thy law. Let not iniquity ruin their mind and health. Let not sin weaken their strength of soul and body. O Righteous Judge, Who doth allow children to suffer for the sins of their parents, do not allow them to suffer for my sins, but sprinkle them with the dew of Thy grace, that they may prosper in virtue and holiness, that they may grow in Thy benevolence and in the love of pious people. O Father of compassion and mercy, from maternal feeling I would wish them the blessing of the dew of heaven and the fat of the earth, but may Thy holy will be done in them. Order their lot according to Thy benevolence, deprive them not of daily bread, send them all that is necessary in this life for the attainment of a blessed eternity, be merciful unto them when they sin before Thee, impute not unto them their sins of youth and ignorance, lead their hearts to contrition when they resist the guidance of Thy goodness; chastise them and be merciful, guiding them on the path pleasing unto Thee, but turn them not away from Thy countenance. Accept their prayers with benevolence, grant them success in every good endeavour; turn not Thy countenance away from them in the days of their affliction; let not temptations beyond their strength befall them. Overshadow them with Thy mercy, let Thine angel go with them and preserve them from every misfortune and evil path, O All-good God. Make me to be a mother who rejoiced in her children, that they may be a joy to me throughout the days of my life and a staff to me in mine old age. Count me worthy, with hope in Thy mercy, to stand with them at Thy dread judgment and with unworthy boldness to say, "Behold, I and my children whom Thou has given me, O Lord!' That together with them, glorifying Thine ineffable goodness and eternal love, I may supremely exalt Thy most holy name, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Distributed at the Convent of St. Ambrose and Our Lady of Kazan in Shamordino, Russia.

Source: The Shepherd: An Orthodox Christian Pastoral Magazine, St. Edward Brotherhood, Surrey, UK, Vol. 20, No. 6, February 2000, pp. 5-6.

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