Historical Letter of Elder Philotheos Zervakos to Metropolitan Kyprianos Koutsoumpas
Archimandrite Philotheos Zervakos
Abbot of the Holy Cenobitic Monastery
of the Life-Giving Spring of Longovarda
Paros, 14 Feb 1969
To the Most Reverend Archimandrite Kyprianos,
my spiritual child in the Lord, greetings and well-being.
I received the copy of your reply
to His Eminence of Attica and Megara. The reply is good and fitting; only be
courageous and prepare yourself for the coming and approaching trials and
In the world, the Lord said, you
will have tribulation, but take courage; the tribulation will be transformed
into joy. Let us endure everything, and let us receive with joy even the
seizure of our possessions, as well as insults, reproaches, persecutions, and
all else, so that we may only gain Christ. There are three beasts warring
against the Bride of Christ, the Church: Masonry, Papism, and Communism. There
are also countless others. Yet, the Leader of our Church, our Lord Jesus
Christ, will crush them all. Let us lift up our hearts. Let us raise our souls
and hearts to the One who dwells in heaven, seeking help and deliverance from
the calamities coming upon the whole world.
If I live until the second week of the Fast, I will come,
and we will arrange the rest.
With paternal love and heartfelt prayers,
Archimandrite Philotheos
This reply letter from Fr.
Philotheos is of immense importance because it was sent immediately after the
cessation of communion (Walling-off) by the then-Archimandrite Kyprianos from
the Metropolitan of Attica and Megara, Mr. Nikodimos Gatziroulis (the text of
which cessation was communicated by Fr. Kyprianos himself to his Elder, Fr.
Philotheos) and his joining of the Church of the G.O.C. (under Archbishop
Auxentios at that time).
The two fundamental
ecclesiological conclusions of Fr. Philotheos, as derived from this letter, are
the following:
a) Fr. Philotheos APPROVES of the
cessation of communion (Walling-off), even in cases where the bishop is not
himself a heretic but communes with a heretic.
b) Fr. Philotheos APPROVES of
joining the Church of the Old Calendarists.
It is, moreover, no coincidence
that two of the greatest confessional figures of our time who followed this
stance, the late Metropolitan Kyprianos Koutsoumpas and the ever-memorable Elder Chrysostomos Spyrou [of Spetses], were spiritual children of the great Elder
Philotheos Zervakos. May others be found to imitate them as well.
May their memory be eternal!
Greek source:
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