Many are those Athonites, abbots,
and even simple hieromonks, who venture beyond the national boundaries of
Greece, to visit those Greek brethren who call themselves immigrants. To
Australia, the United States and Europe, where they listen to the confession of
immigrant Greeks and speak at their gatherings they go.
This phenomenon is of course not
new. Since the days of yore, Athonite Fathers have sacrificed their solitude,
the contrite Athos itself, the tranquility of their monastic cells, for the
sake of their brethren in the world. They used to travel to the towns and
villages of the enslaved Hellas at a time when everyone struggled under the
tyrant’s yoke, in order to strengthen the Orthodox Christians in their Faith
and to struggle with them. For this they incurred the rage and fury of the
infidel tyrants, and suffered martyrs’ deaths.
Other Athonites travelled to
European cities, where the omnipotent Roman Catholicism held sway, or the many-headed
Protestantism. There they fought for Orthodoxy and the survival of Orthodox
Hellenism. Even to Russia they ventured in order to bolster the millions of
Orthodox there from the systematic assault of the Franks and the Freemasons who
at the end prevailed because of the sins of the political and spiritual leaders
who were deeply influenced by the sinful West, and imitated her in most
Let us remember with respect
Maximus the Greek.
Traditional, therefore, are the
excursions of the Athonites to the world in order to transmit the Orthodox
witness without innovations and to strengthen the Orthodox Greeks in the Faith
of their Fathers.
And today the Athonites venture
to the territory of the immigrant Greeks: Europe, the Americas, and Australia.
At their disposal they have
airplane tickets, luxurious hotels, royal accommodations and secular
hospitality that overshadow the simplicity and self-imposed poverty of Mount
Athos. Even so, the monastic skoufos is not tarnished by secular
blandishments. The problem is, what do the contemporary Athonites have to offer
the Greeks abroad to whose enclaves they travel?
We shall not discuss at present
whether or not they have the necessary spiritual training and purity of soul to
enlighten the immigrant Greeks. We shall limit ourselves to the basic matters
of Faith. When these Athonites commemorate and concelebrate with leading
Ecumenists, when they keep silent at the betrayal of the Faith, when they
follow two calendars and disregard holy Tradition, what shall they teach the
Greeks in the diaspora? When the blind lead the blind, they shall both fall
into a chasm.
Not only do they scandalize those
who keep faithfully the traditions of the Church, but they even scandalize
conservative new-calendar people. This has been confirmed from letters of
objective observers and from information we receive from serious ecclesiastical
periodicals of Athens. They reveal that the Athonites have been transformed
into happy goldfish which swim sluggishly in the bowls of luxurious
auditoriums, lecture halls and hotels, or into singing birds that delight the
ecclesiastical new-calendar barons of the Greeks abroad.
What Athonite has ever chastised
Bishop Soterios of Canada who embraced the antichrist Pope? What Athonite has
ever condemned Stylianos, Archbishop of Australia, for his unhesitating
ecumenism? What Athonite has ever dared remind Methodius of Thyateira that he
should not give the sacraments to heretics?
Which Athonites have condemned
Iakovos Koukouzis for his pro-Zionist tactics and for his crimes against our
national heritage? They all exert themselves to exhaustion with their
neo-orthodox rationalism which is popular everywhere. and which no one
understands, because in reality it is a misguided mentality. We have forgotten!
Some of them mention the prayer of the heart and ceaseless prayer — excellent
in themselves — but which pose no danger to the thieves and criminals who have
ransacked the palace which has been erected by immaculate hands, the Orthodox
Church. All those traitors of Orthodox Hellenism have invited them, so that
they would throw ashes in the eyes of the immigrants. They would like nothing
better than to strengthen the position of the pseudo-bishops in the eyes of the
discouraged and dismayed immigrants, due to the betrayal of the Church. The
Ecumenists would like to complete their crime and submerge Orthodoxy into the
black sea of heresies.
Negative, therefore, is the
contribution of the contemporary Athonites to immigrant Hellenism.
The immigrant Greeks, therefore,
should not be enthused over the hieroschema Athonites because they are
contributing to their spiritual perdition. There are Hagiorite Fathers who do
not have theological degrees, but their lives and correct faith would be a
balsam for the immigrant Hellenes — but these Fathers are not wanted by the New
Calendar ecclesiastical leaders nor the heads of state. They despise them
intensely because at the same time they hate the light and the truth of the
The contemporary abbots and hieromonks
of Mt. Athos therefore are not benefactors to the immigrant Greeks. Without a
leader, can a soul be saved? With a blind leader, no soul can be saved.
Source: Agathangelos Esphigmenites,
Mt. Athos, 1984. Translated by Leo Papadopoulos, Astoria, NY, 1986.
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