Old Calendar Bulgarian Church: On Sacramental Grace (Pre-2014)
THE QUESTION OF GRACE IN THE MYSTERIES (SACRAMENTS) OF THE OFFICIAL LOCAL CHURCHES Excerpted from the 2013 work, The Ecclesiological Position of the Old Calendar Orthodox Church of Bulgaria , by Bishop Photii of Triaditza, translated and published by the Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, Etna, CA. The Old Calendar Orthodox Church of Bulgaria has no communion with the official local Churches. Walling oneself off from such communion does not require an unequivocal affirmation that these Churches have completely fallen away from the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church and that the Mysteries performed in them are deprived of Grace. Sufficient grounds for the cessation of ecclesiastical communion is the fact that the episcopate of these churches preach heresy or allow its dissemination through their passivity and, therefore, abide in ecclesiastical communion with bishops preaching or tolerating heresy. Clergy, monastics, and laity who break ecclesiastical communion with bish...