The existence or non-existence of the Grace of the Holy Spirit in the Local Orthodox Churches that accepted Crete
Elder Savvas Lavriotis | December 4, 2016
With much love and respect for those who struggle and keep
watch for the Right Faith, the vigilant Orthodox Christian fighters of Christ
God, whom we glorify and praise in a devout manner, I wish to highlight an
essential point that, with much inquiry from the great elders, who do not make
themselves known to the world but have sent us, with blessed obedience, to
convey to you their thoughts, illuminated through prayer and much counsel and
humility, namely regarding the existence of the Grace of the Holy Spirit in the
Holy Mysteries of the Local Orthodox Churches—whether God still works in the
Mysteries performed by them or not. As we know, until the condemnation of
Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople, the Holy and God-inspired Fathers of
the Third Ecumenical Council accepted as effective all ordinations and services
performed by Nestorius up until the moment of his condemnation and that of his
heresy by the Holy Synod, even though he publicly preached heresy and imposed
it by force and violence. Therefore, we also believe that in the Holy Liturgy
performed in the Churches where Crete was signed, the Holy Spirit comes and
transforms the bread into the Body and the wine into the Blood of Christ.
The Holy Communion, as you know, is given to some for the
forgiveness of sins and for eternal life, while to others it is given for
condemnation. Christ is fire that enlightens some and burns others. The
faithful who, knowing the blasphemy signed at Crete, receive the Most Pure
Mysteries from the hands of those who signed at Crete, or from priests who
commemorate the bishops who signed at Crete, or agree with Crete, thus
encouraging the bishops who denied Christ at Crete, as if nothing had happened,
those people partake of Christ to their condemnation, showing their
indifference to the Truth of Christ, and by receiving Communion from their
hands, they show that they share the same faith with the ecumenists and
contribute to the spread of the ecumenist plague.
Those who, due to age, lack of understanding, or who are
only now discovering the Church of Christ, those who are unaware of the great
betrayal that took place, partake of Communion with reverence and fear of God,
knowing nothing of the renunciation of the hierarchs through their signature at
Crete, those partake for the forgiveness of sins and for eternal life.
It is preferable that the faithful confessors, both
monastics and laity, stay at home for Christ and arrange their order with
tears, or travel hundreds of kilometers to continuously receive the Holy
Mysteries from the hands of those who do not commemorate the hierarchs who
accept the pseudo-council of Crete, rather than setting a bad example and
encouraging those who have denied Christ. There are Local Churches that did not
attend Crete: the Russian Church, the Bulgarian Church, the Antiochian Church,
the Georgian Church, or metropolises from around the Orthodox world that
publicly reject the pseudo-council of Crete, and at the same time there are
priests who have ceased commemorating the hierarchs who attended Crete or
accepted the pseudo-council of Crete. We should find the best solution for each
case, and thus, if we have a Church that does not accept Crete, that does not
accept the pan-heresy of ecumenism, let us take the Heavenly Bread as
provisions, meaning let the laity partake of Communion at least every Saturday
and Sunday, and the monastics three or four times a week if possible, unless we
are bound by penances due to great sins (abortions, adultery, sorcery, etc.).
This is the order of the Holy Fathers of the Kollyvades, who revived the
patristic teaching and the command to commune frequently, if we have a Church.
The priests who have ceased commemoration should not judge
or accuse those who have not stopped it but should receive them with much love
at the Holy Liturgies and concelebrate with them, on the condition that during
the concelebration, they do not commemorate the hierarch. The fathers who do
not commemorate should not remain withdrawn and hidden but come forward to
confess. The cessation of commemoration is only the beginning of the struggle
and one form of it, not the end of the fight. Our duty is to confess
continually. The priest who has ceased commemoration is obliged to make this
public (the cessation of commemoration) and to inform his bishop to whom he
belongs canonically. Otherwise, it is as if he has not ceased commemoration,
and it holds no value as a confession. The priests who do not commemorate
should not make distinctions among the faithful but should receive all with
The priests who do not commemorate should have love, mercy,
much discernment, patience, and light. Just as God manages with love and waits
for all to return to the Truth, so too should the non-commemorating fathers
wait for everyone with love, ensuring that no spirit of strife, hatred,
coldness, or other passions arise, for if these prevail, it shows that the
sacrifice of non-commemoration was not pleasing to God. Confession without
love, mercy, and discernment kills and leads to schisms and divisions.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all
things, as St. Apostle Paul says. Not everyone can cease commemoration, not all
the faithful have the same faith and strength to confess, not all have the same
power of understanding; therefore, we should wait for everyone and be behind
them all. Let us be the ones who are anathematized, let us be the most reviled,
rather than lose a single soul, for which we will give an account before God.
Let us think about the purpose of our work (of ceasing
commemoration and confessing), namely to return to the Truth, to soften the
bishops, and to awaken their conscience through our sacrifice and the
steadfastness of ourselves and the faithful people.
I pray with tears to God, for whom I labor in the wilderness
of this Holy Mountain, and for whom, in obedience, I go out into the world to
deliver the message of the fathers, as they have commanded me, that Christ the
Lord, the lover of mankind, the Son of the Father before all ages, may keep you
united in faith and love, for otherwise the dead letter kills, but the Spirit
gives life.
Elder Savvas of Great Lavra
Holy Monastery of Great Lavra, Holy Mountain
Romanian source:
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