Tuesday, September 17, 2024

2018 Statement by Elder Savvas Lavriotis Concerning Defilement through Heresy

2018 Statement by Elder Savvas Lavriotis Concerning Defilement Through Heresy

1. Slowly it becomes increasingly clear that some are sending people to the Ecumenists, because a statement like that of [Romanian theologian] Mihai Silviu Chirilă: how is it possible to consider that a child baptized in January 2018 by those who commemorate [Ecumenist bishops] is a heretic, hides a misunderstanding of what it means to defile Orthodox Christians through heresy.

2. What would the Holy Fathers have done? Saint Theodore the Studite, in the 17th letter, praises a father, John the Spatharios, who had his child baptized during the period of Iconoclasm by an Orthodox priest and not by an Iconoclast. This is evidenced by the fact that the child's father placed the icon of Saint Demetrius in the place of the godfather when the child was baptized. It is worth noting that the heresy of Iconoclasm had not yet been condemned by a council at that time. Through this event, we see that the Orthodox had no communion with the heretics.

3. We are defiled by heretical faith, regardless of the service performed by the Ecumenists (the seven Holy Mysteries, memorial services, blessings, etc.). And this defilement is very great and should not be overlooked.

4. To Mihai Silviu Chirilă's statement that every child baptized by Ecumenists this year is a heretic [according to zealot reasoning], we respond that we break communion with heretics not because their Mysteries are not valid, but because when we are in communion with heretics, we testify that their faith is Orthodox, which is wrong. However, what is worse is that we accept that their faith is also ours. For this reason, we have no communion with them and do not perform any of the seven Mysteries together with the Ecumenist heretics.

5. I do not believe that theological deviations, which only bring scandal, are helpful. In a study that we will soon publish in Romanian as well, we will prove, based on the teachings of the saints and the Ecumenical Councils, that the saints had no communion with heresy and that there is no third type of believers, those who partake in heresy, as Mihai Silviu Chirilă teaches.

6. When an infant is baptized by Ecumenists, he is not defiled by heresy due to his purity and young age. However, we, those who have ceased commemoration, if we baptize our children with the Ecumenists, we and the officiating priest are defiled due to the communion with Ecumenist heresy. Therefore, it is good to have our children baptized by priests who have walled themselves off from heresy.

7. The time of the lies of the Ecumenists and Ecumenist-minded has ended. From now on, in a spirit of peace and with always theological arguments, without personal attacks, every time someone expresses opinions without Orthodox theological backing, the Athonite fathers will immediately provide a response grounded in Patristic tradition.

With respect to all lovers of Truth,

Elder Savvas Lavriotis

Translated from Romanian: https://prieteniisfantuluiefrem.ro/2018/01/28/raspuns-teologic-al-lui-gheron-sava-catre-cei-care-nu-inteleg-ce-inseamna-intinarea-prin-erezie/

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