Archpriest George Primak on Grace in the Moscow Patriarchate
Archpriest George Primak on Grace in the Moscow Patriarchate
Since none of our First Hierarchs and bishops of blessed memory have said that there is no grace in the MP, they [that is, supporters of the ROCOR/MP union talks] want us to believe that this means there is grace in the MP. This is a very strange approach to a very important question. It would be more logical and more convincing to indicate when and where it was said or written that there is complete [полная] grace there. If our hierarchs believed that there was complete grace there, then why did they categorically refuse to have eucharistic communion with the grace-filled Church? Most likely, nowhere was it said or written that there is complete grace there. Moreover, one can find personal statements of our hierarchs indicating the complete opposite.
Our Church does not have prayerful communion with the Churches that have adopted the new calendar, but I don't remember our hierarchs ever calling them graceless. Let’s think: perhaps our First Hierarchs and bishops of blessed memory set us an example of great humility, considering themselves unworthy to decide regarding the grace in the MP? In the same spirit, Metropolitan Cyprian of the Greek Old Calendarist Church expressed himself when asked his opinion on the grace in the new calendar Greek Church. He replied: "Who am I to decide this matter; it will be decided in the future at the Pan-Orthodox council of the true Orthodox Churches; but just in case, we avoid any prayerful communion with them." I invite all those who try to convince us regarding grace in the MP, to take an example from the humility of our hierarchs and ask themselves: am I worthy to decide that it exists, and do I have convincing evidence to fervently persuade my brethren in this matter?
ИГНОРИРОВАНИЕ СЕРЬЕЗНЫХ ДУХОВНЫХ ВОПРОСОВ [Ignoring Serious Spiritual Issues], by Protopriest George Primak, Online:
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