O Lord Jesus Christ, the time of my life is growing short, drawing near to the gates of death; I fear and tremble at the hour of death, this fiery baptism, for I am sinful in all things. My heart dreads the sight of the evil spirits seeking my ruin; I am terrified by the passage through the aerial tollhouses—this, Thy righteous judgment, where I must give an account of all I have sinned in life. I am frightened by that unknown land into which Thou shalt settle me after my departure.
O Lord, Lover of mankind, who
desirest not the death of a sinner but that he should turn and live, have mercy
on me, who turn to Thee. Count me among Thy flock and grant me to obtain a
Christian end to my life—painless, blameless, and peaceful. Behold, I, a great
sinner, before that hour of death, fall before Thee, and with hope in Thy
saving sufferings and crucifixion, I offer tearful repentance for all my sins
and iniquities, voluntary and involuntary, known and unknown. Forgive all my
sins and iniquities, and in Thy mercy, consume them with the fire of Thy Holy
Spirit, that they may not be remembered at the end of my life.
Forgive, O Lord, all offenses and
grievances inflicted upon me by my neighbors, and have mercy on all who hate
and wrong me, that I may depart from this life in peace with all people. Grant
me to spend the remainder of my life in purity and honorable conduct and to end
it in peace and repentance.
Before my departure, O merciful
Lord, grant me to receive the Most Pure and Life-Giving Mysteries—Thy Most Holy
Body and Blood—that, cleansed and sanctified by partaking of these heavenly
Mysteries, I may face the final hour of death without fear, preserved and
guarded by Thee, All-Good Lord, from all troubles and temptations. By Thy
almighty power, deliver me in that hour from the assaults and violence of the
wicked demons, protect me from them by Thy holy Angels, strengthen and console
my weak soul by the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and Thy Saints.
Grant me to pass through the aerial tollhouses in peace, with firm hope in
Thee, my Savior.
Yea, O Master, Lord! Deprive me not
of Thy great mercy and protection in the fearful hour of my death. Receive my
soul then, that I, though a great sinner and unworthy, may by Thy mercy be
counted worthy in the life to come to be with Thee, the Source of all good, and
to offer prayers and praises unto Thee, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Source: Келейная книжица [Cell
Book], Archimandrite John Krestiankin, Pskov: Holy Dormition Pskov-Caves
Monastery, 2006.
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