Sunday, February 23, 2025

A New Calendarist Editorial: What are the real motives behind the cowardly attacks against the Metropolitan of Attica and Boeotia (G.O.C.), kyr Chrysostomos?

Soteris M. Tzoumas | February 23, 2025


I have never hidden my special connection and respect for the Patristic Calendar of our Church. My late grandmother, Stamatia Tzouma-Tassa, ensured this, and I am grateful to her.

Nor have I ever denied my special connection with some of the serious clergy who belong to and serve in the Old Calendar. On the contrary, two of them, in fact, during my years of study in New York, were also my spiritual fathers. After all, where could I, a child from the provinces, confess—to the shaven priests of New York?

That is why I often write and express my views on this matter whenever I have the opportunity.

And I highlight their events, whether I happen to attend them or learn about them, because I believe it is useful for them to become more widely known and for us to gain lessons in proper pastoral conduct.

Proper pastoral care has no calendar, old or new, but only a willingness to offer to one's neighbor.

The words once spoken to me by the late Elder of Astoria, Petros Astyfides (née Tzoumas), will always resonate in my ears when I expressed to him my complaint and wonder as to why there is a division over the calendars:

"The Patristic Calendar, my child, is not an obsession nor a quirk of some fanatics and arrogant individuals seeking a role in society. For us, it is a way of life and divine illumination. Alongside our life and work, if we are righteous, we remind the hasty followers of the New Calendar what the true tradition of our Church is, which must not be altered. In the end, God will judge us all."

Metropolitan Petros of Astoria had been visited at St. Markella in Astoria by the then-sojourning in the U.S. Metropolitan of Chios, the late Dionysios, whom I had accompanied. They were even photographed together, both wearing an engolpion. In fact, this photograph adorned Petros' office as long as he lived, placed in a prominent position. What should have happened then? Should the Synod have called him to account for the photograph? Absurd things that took a century for us to move past.

With these principles, I have journeyed through life. And in my humble opinion, many clergy of the Patristic Calendar, of all ranks, bear witness to the faith without fanaticism or intolerance, but rather with love and a willingness to offer to their fellow man—indeed, with greater conscientiousness and consistency than those of the official Church, who have settled into the comfort of a public servant’s couch, receive their little salary (as they call it), and neglect their divine mission. Very few parishes now produce genuine parish work. They have abandoned their responsibilities. But for how long?

And I have come to fully grasp this realization in recent years, and I will explain how and why in the following lines.

As for Apostolic succession and continuity, which is invoked by those who seek to draw dividing lines between us, it is a matter best left unexplored—by either side—because a thorough study of it would leave us speechless. This is something the Lord Himself will answer on the Day of Judgment.

I considered it necessary to write all of the above so that we may all understand the sea of absurdity—bordering on madness—into which we have entered!

A clergyman, and indeed a Hierarch of the Patristic Calendar, whom I respect and esteem—and for whom, if necessary, I stir up storms and argue—is Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Attica and Boeotia. Those of you who have been reading me on this platform for the past 17 years—ever since the great Archbishop Christodoulos departed from our lives—have surely realized this.

I have known His Eminence, Chrysostomos, for many years, but in recent years I have become closely connected with him. And with pride, I publicly declare that I belong to the circle of his spiritual friends—not only because I agree with the way he conducts himself, but because everything he undertakes as a Shepherd on the watchtower where God and His Church have placed him resonates with me completely. Everything he does has my full agreement and makes me admire him openly and loudly, not discreetly and from a distance.

The magnificent Church of Panagia Soumela in Aspropyrgos—a jewel of both interior and exterior architecture, as well as a lifelong work—is his creation, a work that everyone speaks of with admiration but also… envy, because he proved what a capable person can achieve from nothing. But I also "support him" for one more reason: he reminds me in many ways of the great and incomparable Christodoulos. He is a Hierarch with vision, but also with love for all—even for his enemies and slanderers—and with a great sense of humor and self-irony, which reveals his spiritual completeness and that he is at peace with himself. He does not rely on the spiteful and the wanderers of the priesthood and the calendars to tell him who he is.

It is important to stand firmly on your feet—and to show it.

So, what you will read in the following lines comes from someone who appreciates and respects Chrysostomos. And while they may be considered somewhat subjective, know that I have passed them through the patina of time, trials, and personal verification, so that they have become true experiences. This allows me to write and sign my views on such a Hierarch of our Church—even if he belongs to the Patristic Calendar.

For almost a year now—since last May—the most official and prominent Church of the G.O.C., whose Archbishop is Kallinikos, a serious and traditional Hierarch of the Patristic Calendar who has never caused scandal by his way of life, has been undergoing a trial due to a temptation that is beginning to take on the form of an avalanche. If the necessary measures are not taken, the developments will not be pleasant at all, as they will harm and shrink the Church—to the great delight of the opposing factions of the Patristic Calendar.

Specifically, the beloved and venerable Hierarch of Attica and Boeotia, who has carried out remarkable and significant pastoral work and is thus highly regarded, is under attack by a married clergyman who belongs to the jurisdiction of Archbishop Kallinikos of the G.O.C. However, it seems that this priest acts independently and uncontrollably, following his own rules and personal agenda. He has somehow sensed that there is something to be gained and has decided to take charge of its division himself. But the guardians are well aware…!

This cleric, posing as the Javert of the faith, with an excess of audacity and without a trace of empathy, self-criticism, or, most importantly, self-awareness regarding his own life—both past and present—unacceptably accuses Metropolitan Chrysostomos. His accusations stem from certain enlightened actions and initiatives of the Metropolitan, which, in a time of general crisis, present the clergy in a positive light to our people—who are increasingly distancing themselves from the Church and reviling its clergy.

"For envy does not know how to prefer what is beneficial..."

Metropolitan Chrysostomos, "in deeds and words," forms the mind of Christ in his flock and beyond. With his entire life, he speaks of love and practices love.

Day and night, he struggles for the salvation of the souls entrusted to him by the Church of the Patristic Calendar. He does everything he can to keep his flock united and satisfied with their Church. And he has succeeded to the highest degree, as can be seen in the youth of his catechetical schools, his choirs, his theatrical performances, and all his activities. It is a living spiritual hive.

Every event prepared by His Eminence Chrysostomos and his esteemed collaborators, both clergy and laity, is a grand production that even the wealthiest and most well-organized Metropolises of the New Calendar would envy. And this happens because those who participate—both clergy and laity—do so willingly and with love for what they do. They are inspired by their shepherd, who is always the first and the last in labor and offering.

On his own initiative, during the pandemic, he conceived and established the practice of going through the neighborhoods of his diocese to sing the carols, with thousands of people waiting for him in the streets with lit candles and censers—on Christmas Eve according to the Patristic Calendar. I witnessed it firsthand and was left speechless. And I wrote about it twice. And not only on my page.

The slanderous priest—where does he go to sing the carols? On Facebook? For his like-minded followers of the same mold? Does he have no sense of shame?

His Eminence Chrysostomos is a bold yet traditional Hierarch. Daring when necessary, yet prudent and courteous to all. Affable, approachable, graceful, and articulate. He has become "all things to all people" and has transformed his diocese into a model example.

Well then, this man—whom, if the Patristic Calendar Church did not already have, it would need to discover and invent—has provoked the wrath and envy of those consumed by passion, pettiness, and narrow-minded judgment.

And why? Because his kindness, dignity, and love seem to have disturbed them—rather than behaving with insults, arrogance, and condemnation of everyone except himself.

Over the past year, His Eminence Chrysostomos has endured in silence and with great patience the disgraceful and inexplicable(?) attack from this priest—widely acknowledged as erratic—who, as mentioned, belongs to the jurisdiction of Archbishop Kallinikos of the G.O.C.

The slanderous priest considers himself, after the… Patriarch of Alexandria, the judge of the entire world. The arrogant and disgraceful things he writes are clearly driven by the sickness of vanity, malice, and envy. He obviously believes himself to be infallible—second only, of course, to the Pope, who holds the first place in infallibility. Another heresy in itself. And I highlighted the word "inexplicable" with a question mark regarding this attack because there is undoubtedly something hidden behind this war. Something that, sooner or later, will be revealed—for nothing is hidden under the sun—and when that happens, woe to the sinners, for where shall they flee?

Initially, this priest's attack was carried out through personal letters addressed to Archbishop Kallinikos and the Hierarchs of the G.O.C. Church to which he belongs. Those of us on the outside knew nothing, and, of course, everyone kept it as a closely guarded secret within their ranks.

Recently, however, the matter gained widespread publicity after, following his referral to the disciplinary bodies of his Church, he publicly posted his rambling philosophies on Facebook to rally supporters and slanderers—like attracts like—and since then, a swarm of his like-minded followers has emerged. These so-called good Christians, with no sense of shame, have engaged in an unprecedented online lynching of the personality of His Eminence. To his credit—and in contrast to other fellow bishops, even of the official Church—he has followed the command of the Gospel and has not yet resorted to civil courts. However, in my opinion, when some individuals refuse to listen to reason and disregard responses and counterarguments, it becomes necessary to turn to civil and criminal courts—not to stop them from thinking and writing nonsense (for that is an incurable affliction when one has a distorted mind), but to expose the emptiness of their arguments and the malice of their intentions. It would also bring to light the shocking realities of their own lives, which they go to great lengths to keep hidden. When someone is placed under scrutiny, many of the things they have carefully concealed will inevitably come to light. And, of course, those who judge will themselves be judged. For a long time, I personally exercised patience and wrote nothing. He will grow tired, I thought, and stop spewing his filth.

I exercised patience and obedience to His Eminence Metropolitan Chrysostomos, who endured this entire defamation in silence and prayer and discouraged me from writing or responding to the spiteful individual—who had even made personal references to me because of the attention I give to His Eminence Chrysostomos. As if I did not know to ask him and seek his permission. And this man, who parades himself as a priest, drifting from one calendar to another, wants to reprimand us and even teach us? Teach us what? How to spew venom or to sting others as if we were scorpions?

But this injustice has gone on for too long. His Eminence Chrysostomos is ridiculed as supposedly a "heretic" and a "traitor to the Faith," while the true mastermind behind this orchestrated attack remains unpunished. He continues to write and speak only what serves his own predetermined verdict.

That is why I have decided to speak out as well—and let the earth be consumed by fire. Our patience and tolerance have their limits.

This particular slanderous priest, who does not respect the Bishop of his own Church—does he perhaps lack the basic principles of decorum and conduct that should distinguish our clergy?—was ordained under the New Calendar, passed through it first (which, fortunately, is upheld by state laws and, above all, by its Charter, preventing and punishing arbitrary actions and factions), then left and moved to the Old Calendar so he could act unchecked and judge everyone from a position of safety. A question arises: Upon his transition from the New to the Old Calendar, was he reordained? We would like someone to answer this for us.

Keeping one’s finger on the trigger and firing at the first opportunity is easy. Mud is easily flung into the fan. What is difficult is to build up one’s interlocutor with love. But to speak with love, one must first feel love for his neighbor. And here, there is a great deficiency. Instead, there is an excess of malice and envy.

And what exactly were these infamous “treacherous actions” of His Eminence Chrysostomos of Attica and Boeotia that prompted this slanderous priest to begin attacking him? We quote them directly from the excellent letter of support for their shepherd, presented and signed by the priests serving in the Holy Metropolis of Attica and Boeotia:

a) The fact that he gave a relic of Saint Argyrios of Epanomi to the Metropolis of the saint’s homeland. Question: Do we only know how to receive? Where do we get the Holy Relics from? Most—if not all—of the relics we venerate in our churches and monasteries are the result of generous donations from individuals of the New Calendar who are well-disposed toward us. If this action by His Eminence constitutes betrayal of the faith, then—if we truly want to be precise—we should return all the relics! If we want to take this even further, no one should even offer a glass of water to anyone who is not a member of our Church.

Note from EXAPSALMOS: Why is it wrong that he gave a relic? Where did all the relics of the saints that we venerate in Patristic Calendar monasteries come from? Who gave them? How were they obtained? Let the all-knowing priest answer that! And when they received the holy relic to deliver it, and Fr. Michael Konstantinidis, the worthy and capable Protosyncellus of the Metropolis, was reading, they did not engage in joint prayer with His Eminence Justinos of Nea Krini—they simply handed over the sacred relic with due reverence, not in utter silence. They were delivering a holy relic of a saint, not a pita wrap!

b) His presence at a conference in Thessaloniki, organized by three Metropolises of the New Calendar. Some of us were part of his entourage for the celebration of the Three Hierarchs. We saw with our own eyes that, upon our entry into the conference, three times a clergyman was sent to convey the organizers' request for him to sit honorably in the front row. He was not wearing an engolpion because his presence was not in an official capacity. He had attended simply as a Greek citizen, something that has happened countless times in the past with clergy of our Church. At the major rallies for Macedonia in Athens, bishops of our Synod attended without engolpia. On another occasion, two of our bishops attended an event at the Peace and Friendship Stadium, also organized by New Calendar Metropolises, without wearing engolpia.

Note from EXAPSALMOS: Since I was present at this event, I can confirm that one of its organizers, my friend Mr. Nik. Tsamoglou (a dedicated member of the Christian Associations of Macedonia, which organized the event under the auspices of the three Metropolises of Thessaloniki), upon seeing His Eminence Chrysostomos entering the hall, asked me if he could invite him to sit in the front. Of course, I encouraged him to do so, and he twice sent someone to bring him to the front seats, because at first, he refused. Where is the problem in this? Should he have remained standing at the back of the hall like a punished man? What kind of nonsense is this?

c) The Palm Sunday Procession

We were all present and rejoiced, just like the entire crowd, at this event—something that has also happened countless times in the past, both in Greece and abroad. If an act of peaceful goodwill that took place during the procession constitutes betrayal of the faith, then Fr. Nikolaos Kaloskamis, Fr. Euthymios Danilatos, Fr. Ioannis of Chalkida, and many others who exchanged greetings with clergy during Holy Friday processions were also “traitors.” Even more so, Saint Philaret of the ROCOR, who was photographed with a papist, and Leontius of Chile, who attended a cardinal’s funeral. Would anyone dare to call these two giants of Orthodoxy "traitors"? A particular accusation was made regarding the exchange of palm branches. If even this is considered betrayal and a violation of the Holy Canons, then no one should ever accept anything from anyone who is not a member of our Church—not even a pension or the donations placed in the candle box!

Note from EXAPSALMOS: I wrote a piece about the gathering in love of the two Hierarchs at Ilion Square, who, though they may not belong to the same Church, shepherd the same flock. The faithful, seeing them behave with dignity and love, erupted into warm applause. The only one who would have rejoiced if the opposite had happened would be the devil—and, of course, this self-appointed judge of all things, the priest who seemingly cannot even stomach his own intestines.

Certainly, the G.O.C. Synod, under the presidency of Archbishop Kallinikos, was slow to react. It moved—and continues to move—with slow, almost lethargic reflexes because they expected that he would realize his mistake, come to his senses, and return to the straight path. But seeing that no one was reacting, he became emboldened.

Then, the Synod decided to put him in his place and, naturally, referred him for his overall behavior.

And what did the smart aleck come out and say? That the G.O.C. Church, to which he belongs, has no right to convene a Synodal Court and judge him. In other words, in his attempt to escape the sword of ecclesiastical justice and punishment, he essentially declared that the Church to which he belongs does not exist—that it is non-existent.

But the Church is founded primarily on the Holy Canons, not on state laws. Both the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the other ancient Patriarchates operate based on the Holy Canons and have the right to establish disciplinary bodies to handle cases requiring expulsion and exemplary punishment. And this remains true even if they are legally considered mere associations or institutions in the countries where they are based—countries that do not have the Orthodox Church as their official religion.

But even any association (as he himself calls the Church to which he belongs—and for that alone, he should have already been punished) has the right to convene its disciplinary bodies, impose penalties, and expel its non-compliant members from its ranks.

And in this case, that priest should have long ago been subjected to disciplinary scrutiny, required to give an account, and received the appropriate punishment. He must either comply or be expelled. What are they afraid of? The one who leaves the fold is the one who ultimately loses! Just as an abscess that forms in the body must be opened so that all the pus inside can be drained—preventing infection from spreading to the entire organism—so too, such cases must not be allowed to grow unchecked, because if they do, the evil multiplies, like the heads of the Lernaean Hydra.

The G.O.C. Synod must finally take a clear and decisive stance and bring this slanderer to account. The longer this situation drags on, the greater the risk and compromise of what they supposedly strive for—the unity of the Church. The facts speak for themselves. And the venerable Hierarchs of the G.O.C. must take into account who their flock now consists of. The number of traditional Christians, those who were born into and raised in the Patristic Calendar tradition, has dwindled. How many remain? Very few. Thankfully, our Russian Pontian brethren have provided a significant extension to the life and existence of the Patristic Calendar Church, which is not even unified—instead, it consists of many different factions, the mere listing of which is enough to cause confusion and sorrow. If I personally were a conscious adherent of the Patristic Calendar, this division would trouble me more than anything else.

However, with all this turmoil caused by the married priest, the only person who will not be harmed is the very one he seeks to attack! His Eminence Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Attica and Boeotia, a Hierarch of the G.O.C., has already demonstrated countless examples of his character and work—and the shots fired by this married priest will never reach him. Only the envious devil rejoices—along with those like him and his instruments.

That is why he would do well to seriously consider whether such actions align with his priestly calling and who is ultimately harmed by the warfare he wages. Or perhaps he should tell us who is hiding behind him, seeking to undermine Chrysostomos.

But this war is producing the exact opposite result. Chrysostomos, through these attacks, only rises higher, becoming even more beloved by his flock and by all who know him personally and work alongside him!

Unfortunately, all too often, our passions consume us, leading to disastrous consequences for the one who first raised his hand unjustly.

"Let us stand aright! Let us stand with fear!" Father, God may sometimes delay, but He never fails to deliver justice! You will soon come to realize this…


Greek source:

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