Protopresbyter Dionysios Tatsis
Most of the Metropolitans of the [Official] Church of Greece have not appreciated the spiritual danger of Ecumenism. While
they are supposed to be vigilant for their flock, they consider that Ecumenism
is not dangerous, since it originates from and is directed by the Ecumenical
Patriarchate! They do not examine the matter themselves but passively accept
whatever the Patriarchate plans and orchestrates. And they consider this a
great achievement because they practice blind obedience to the Patriarch of the
Nation, at a time when they should have lost sleep and spoken continually about
the pan-heresy of Ecumenism, which is demolishing Orthodoxy.
Unfortunately, they are
indifferent and often rejoice together with the Patriarch during his visits to
Greece. These indifferent metropolitans are usually preoccupied with many
concerns, engaging in social and political issues, even in sports events, provoking
the majority of our people. They want to appear as spiritual leaders while
being indifferent to spiritual dangers, such as Ecumenism. Soon, we will lose
the integrity of our faith and our precious tradition. I mention a case of
spiritual aphasia, which confirms the above.
A protosyncellus,
defending his metropolitan in a case involving a zealot cleric, said the
following revealing yet disheartening statement: "His Eminence has
never dealt with the issue of Ecumenism or Anti-Ecumenism, nor has he recorded
any positive views on the matter of Ecumenism and Papism."
Whom, truly, should I
congratulate first? The protosyncellus or the metropolitan? It would be
interesting if they could tell us why this is the case when this particular
metropolitan is exceedingly talkative and has never claimed ignorance or lack
of jurisdiction on any issue, nor has he ever declined microphones and cameras.
Unfortunately, these particular
cassock-wearing figures pursue worldly glory, which is why we should not hope
that they will ever acquire an anti-Ecumenist mindset. If we also consider
their history—how they were elected as metropolitans, how they were transferred
to wealthier and larger metropolises, and how they managed to have their close
associates elected as metropolitans while disregarding the Holy Spirit—it is
clear that they serve as examples to be avoided, even if they have been
metropolitans for decades.
We must always remember that
respect is not imposed but inspired through virtue and service in the Church
with the fear of God, not through noisy theoretical social activism aimed at
provoking applause and admiration.
Greek source:
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