After the Synod of Crete, is it
still permissible to attend Church services where Patriarch Daniel and/or other
hierarchs of the Romanian Orthodox Church (who have become pseudo-bishops) are
commemorated without being affected by the officially institutionalized
ecumenism of October 2016?
The commemoration of the
patriarch, who has become a pseudo-patriarch through the official
institutionalization of ecumenism at the Patriarchal level, as well as of all
pseudo-hierarchs who have participated in this transgression, affects the
entire hierarchical structure of the Church, the entire pleroma, from the
patriarch down to the layperson. This happens not because there is no longer
Grace in the Church or because the Holy Mysteries have ceased to be valid after
the legalization of ecumenism at Crete, but because our response to all these
events that are foreign to the Truth largely bears the mark of guilt and
indolence. It is a form of complicity, a participation in heresy, whether
consciously or unconsciously. Something similar occurs within the human body:
when an infection appears, the entire body suffers, not just the affected
member. Would anyone who falls physically ill not seek healing at all costs?
Why should it be any different when it comes to spiritual and doctrinal
Ecumenism is a dreadful disease
that does not heal on its own and harms the entire organism. If those most
entitled to stop the infection (hierarchs, priests, theologians, monks) do not
take a stand, then in the "medical manuals" of the Church (Pedalion
– The Rudder of the Church, Dogmatics, Liturgics, etc.), there exists a
valid therapeutic approach for the entire pleroma. That is, if the
"doctor" refuses to heal, justifying his inaction with a lack of
"professionalism" by claiming that there is nothing causing illness,
then there are means of prevention, intervention, and recovery available to all
the "patients" of the Church—the spiritual hospital—to restore health
to the body. What is essential is to establish the correct diagnosis and to use
the appropriate remedies for the disease: public confession of faith,
separation from heresy, apostolic mission, catechesis, preaching, prayer,
confession, penance appropriate to the illness, and partaking of the Holy
Mysteries in a state of worthiness, not in participation with heresy! Without
these, the disease spreads, and even those with "medical
knowledge"—that is, those with an Orthodox, sound mind and an active life
in the Church—can fall ill!
These aspects should be kept in
mind, each one working toward salvation according to their conscience and
spiritual counsel, in the truth of Christ!
- Fr. Claudiu Buză
Romanian source:
(dated February 14, 2025).
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