Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Regarding the Communiqué of the Clergy of the Holy Metropolis of Attica and Boeotia

Reading the text of the "indignant" clergy of the Metropolis of Attica, I will note the following:

The one who needs "appropriate medical treatment" (because he suffers from "a storm in the skull"), we know very well that he has been writing for several years on the internet and not only on the internet. All those years he was writing, was he taking this "treatment" and not suffering? But for whom was he writing? Why, for the New Calendarists! Was everything he wrote then all fine and good? Apparently, since none of the 'indignant' clergy in question publicly expressed any complaint against him through any public text. Or perhaps because he was praising the G.O.C. and censuring those who are not G.O.C., there was no issue as long as it did not concern the G.O.C. themselves?

I will say what I have said before, simply. When our own dignity or anything related is affected, we become indignant and lose our composure. When others are affected, then things change...

EVERYONE, absolutely everyone, bears responsibility for the situation, which is of course not new, as the exact same phenomenon has been occurring for many years, nor are the factions coincidental. Have they ever spoken with clergy of the New Calendar? Certainly, yes. Do they not know why most avoid us, even though they secretly support the struggle? They do not avoid us because of any isolated "psychopathic" clergyman or layperson. They avoid us due to other, more serious ecclesiological issues, which many, including the "indignant," choose to ignore, burying their heads in the ground like ostriches, seeing and hearing nothing.

Too bad that the respected Fr. Georgios Metallinos has passed away, so that I could have asked for his permission to write a testimony that he personally mentioned to me, theological and well-documented by him, regarding what exactly the major problem is.

And the "indignant" (along with the others) chose this period because now "the time has come" for them to be indignant. All three sides did exactly the same, and no one has realized the damage because each of them feels wronged.

May we have a blessed Lent, according to: "O Lord and Master of my life, grant me not a spirit of sloth, meddling, love of power, and idle talk. But bestow upon me, Your servant, a spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love. Yes, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults and not to judge my brother, for You are blessed unto the ages of ages."

The flock is taught by the shepherds, and the shepherds come from the flock; they do not fall from the sky... And the shepherds taught, and the flock received, the best lesson on how we should observe the Great Lent.


Greek source: https://entoytwnika1.blogspot.com/2025/02/blog-post_18.html

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