By Ioannis Rizos
In the letters of commission with
which the Church entrusted newly ordained Bishops, the first duty reminded to
them was the safeguarding of the Orthodox Faith.
Through the institution of the
Episcopacy, "the marks of the pure and undefiled faith are preserved, and
the unadulterated beauty of Orthodoxy shines forth." Moreover, "the
divine and apostolic decrees must be received with upturned hands and honored
and guarded as God-inscribed tablets." [1]
Even the very name of the Bishop,
observes Zonaras in his interpretation of the 58th Apostolic Canon, must serve
as a constant reminder of the Bishop’s spiritual duty toward the people. The
Bishop is the watchman who oversees from a high place, lest he detect in time
any hostile action. Woe if the Bishop falls asleep! The city will be destroyed
because of him. To him is addressed the voice of Ezekiel: "Son of man, I
have set you as a watchman for the house of Israel and the house of Judah; if
you do not warn, nor speak, the lawless one shall die in his lawlessness, and I
will require his blood from your hand." [2]
When the prefect of Emperor
Valens (304–378), Modestus, pressured the bishops to sign in favor of Arianism,
Saint Basil the Great, undeterred by threats of property confiscation, exile,
and even a death sentence, refused. Enraged, Modestus told him that no bishop
had ever spoken to him in such a manner. To this, Saint Basil replied: "It
seems you have never met a true Bishop."
Such were the Bishops of Christ.
But what will the Clergy and Monastics of the last times be like? What do our
Saints say?
Saint Hippolytus:
The shepherds
will become like wolves. The priests will embrace falsehood. The monks will
long for the things of the world... [3]
Saint Kosmas the Aetolian:
The clergy will
become the worst and most impious of all. [4]
Saint Nilus the Athonite:
When the time of
the coming of the Antichrist approaches, the minds of men will be darkened by
the passions of the flesh, and impiety and lawlessness will greatly increase...
The shepherds of Christians, both bishops and priests, will be vain men, completely
ignorant of the right path from the left... The Churches of God will be
deprived of devout and pious shepherds, and woe to the Christians who remain in
the world, for they will be utterly deprived of faith, seeing no light of true
knowledge from anyone... [5]
Abba Moses:
In those days...
they will appoint as abbots and shepherds men untested in virtue,
unbelieving... unable to discern the right path from the left, negligent,
preoccupied with worldly cares, seizing positions of authority through gifts...
incapable of instructing and admonishing the flock... and due to such
negligence and contempt from the shepherds, the brethren will be lost... [6]
Saint Cyril of Jerusalem:
We seek a sign
of the [Second] coming of the Lord. We, the ecclesiastical ones, seek an
ecclesiastical sign, and the Lord says: "And then many will be
scandalized, and will betray one another, and will hate one another." [7]
If you hear that
bishops turn against bishops, clergy against clergy, and peoples against
peoples, even to the point of bloodshed, do not be troubled. For such things
are already written. [8]
Abba Ischyrion:
Once, in the 4th
century, when some monks were asked about how the monks and clergy of future
generations and the last times would live and be, Abba Ischyrion responded: "They
will labor and achieve only half of what we have been able to accomplish."
They asked again, "And what about those who come after them?" He
replied: "They will have no spiritual work and no real virtue. However,
they will face a great and severe trial, and those who manage to endure and
persevere until the end will be shown to be greater than all of us and even our
Abba Pambo:
"Tell me,
Elder, is it true that the customs and traditions of Christians will change and
that there will be no priests in the churches?"
And the Elder
answered: "At that time, the love of many will grow cold, and great
tribulation will come. There will be invasions of nations, migrations of
peoples, instability among kings, disorder among rulers. The priests will
become dissolute, and the monks will live in negligence."
"The abbots
will be indifferent to their own salvation as well as that of their flock. They
will all be eager and first at the banquet tables and contentious. Lazy in
prayer but eager in slander, always ready to accuse. They will neither want to
imitate nor listen to the lives and words of the Elders, but instead, they will
chatter and say, 'If we had lived in their days, we too would have struggled.'
bishops of those times will show servility to the powerful, issuing decisions
according to the gifts they receive, and they will not defend the poor when
they are judged. They will grieve the widows and oppress the orphans.
among the people, unbelief, debauchery, hatred, enmity, jealousy, strife,
theft, drunkenness, reckless entertainment, adultery, fornication, murder, and
plunder will prevail."
Then the brother
asked, "And what can one do in such difficult times?"
And the Elder
answered: "My child, in such days, the one who desires and strives to save
his soul will be saved, and he shall be called great in the Kingdom of
Heaven." [10]
Starets Anatoly:
The enemy of
mankind will act cunningly to lead even the elect, if possible, into heresy. He
will not begin by coldly rejecting the doctrines of the Holy Trinity, the
Divinity of Jesus Christ, and the Virginity of the Theotokos. Instead,
he will subtly begin to undermine the teachings and traditions of the Church
and the great spirituality that has come down to us through the Holy Fathers
from the Holy Spirit. Few will notice these flattering deceptions of the
enemy—only those who are very experienced in the spiritual life. The heretics
will gain power over the Church and will place their servants everywhere. The
pious will be looked upon with contempt. The Lord Himself said, 'By their
fruits you shall know them,' and thus, by their fruits and actions, strive to
distinguish the heretics from the true shepherds. These are spiritual thieves,
plundering the spiritual flock. They will enter the sheepfold (the Church) by
climbing in another way, using force and trampling upon the holy canons.
The Lord calls
them robbers. [11]
Indeed, their
first action will be the persecution of the true shepherds—their imprisonment
and exile—because without this, it will be impossible for them to seize the
flock. For this reason, my child, when you see the violation of the Patristic
Tradition and the divine commandments within the Church—those commandments that
were established by God—know that the heretics have already appeared. Even if,
for a time, they may conceal their impiety or subtly undermine the Holy Faith,
they do so in order to more effectively ensnare and entrap the ignorant in
their nets.
The persecution
will be directed not only against the shepherds but also against all the
servants of God, for all those who are led by heresy will not tolerate piety. Recognize
these wolves in sheep’s clothing by their prideful disposition and their love
of power. They will be slanderers, traitors, spreading enmity and malice
everywhere. This is why the Lord said that they will be known by their fruits. [12]
The true
servants of God are humble, love their fellow man, and are obedient to the
Church. The monks will suffer greatly at the hands of the heretics, and
monastic life will be despised. Active monasteries will become rare, the number
of monks will decrease, and those who remain will endure violence. Those who
hate monastic life, while maintaining only an outward appearance of piety, will
strive to win the monks over to their side, promising them protection and
worldly goods while threatening those who oppose them with exile. These threats
will cause great despair among the faint-hearted. But you, my child, rejoice
that you have lived to see this time, for then the faithful, even those who
have shown no other virtues, will receive crowns simply because they have
remained steadfast in the faith, according to the Lord’s words: "Everyone
who, being with Me (ἐν Ἐμοί), confesses Me before men, I will also
confess him, being with him (ἐν αὐτῷ), before My Father in Heaven."
Fear the Lord,
my child. Fear losing the crown that has been prepared for you. Fear being cast
by Christ into the outer darkness and eternal torment. Stand firm in the faith,
and if necessary, endure persecution and other sorrows, for the Lord will be with
you, and the Holy Martyrs and spiritual fathers will look upon you and your
struggle with joy.
But woe to the
monks in those days who will be bound by possessions and wealth, who, for the
sake of love of peace [comfort], will be ready to submit to the heretics. They
will soothe their conscience by saying, "We are preserving and saving the
monastery, and the Lord will forgive us." These unfortunate and blind ones
fail to realize that through heresy, the demons will enter the monastery, and
thereafter, it will no longer be a Holy Monastery but merely walls, from which
grace will have departed. Yet God is stronger than the enemy and will never
abandon His servants. True Christians will endure until the end of this period,
but they will prefer to live in isolated and deserted places.
Saint Niphon, Bishop of
Until the end of
the age, my child, the prophets of the Lord God will never cease to exist, just
as the workers of Satan will never be absent. However, in the last days, those
who truly serve Christ will wisely hide themselves from people. And even if they
do not perform signs and wonders as they do today, they will always walk the
difficult path with all humility. These will be found greater in the Kingdom of
God than the wonder-working fathers, for in their time, there will be no one
performing miracles before their eyes to rekindle their zeal and inspire them
in spiritual struggles. Those who occupy the hierarchical thrones throughout
the world will be entirely unworthy and will have no understanding of virtue.
Likewise, the leaders of monks will be similar. They will be overcome by
gluttony and vainglory, becoming more of a scandal to people rather than an
example to follow. As a result, virtue will be neglected, and greed will reign
everywhere. Woe, however, to the monks who will be rich in gold, for they will
be a disgrace in the eyes of the Lord and will never see the face of God. Both
monks and laypeople will lend money at interest, refusing to allow God to
multiply their wealth through almsgiving to the poor. If they do not turn away
from this greed, they will be cast into the abyss. Then, as I have said before,
most will fall into deception out of ignorance and be led into the chaos of the
broad and spacious path of perdition. [14]
The warning of
the Apostle Paul regarding the apostasy that will occur before the coming of
the Antichrist [15] clearly refers to the apostasy of the governing Church
rather than that of individuals. The apostasy of individuals and large
groups—whether through heresies or general impiety and unbelief—has always
existed, will always exist, and cannot serve as a forerunner sign of the coming
of the Antichrist. Moreover, if the Apostle’s words referred to individual
apostasies, his statement would have been disproven thousands of times by now,
since countless apostasies have taken place, yet the Antichrist has not come. Ecumenism,
as an eschatological pan-heresy, already—through Orthodox clergy and
bishops—leads the flock away from the true and salvific teaching of Christ. By
preaching diabolical ideas, it creates a new "New Order" type of
"Christian," one who is indifferent to whether the clergy he follows
and the teachings he hears from them are Orthodox or heterodox, truth or
falsehood, as long as he is pleased with words of love and peace. However, "Even
if the words of the false prophets are sweet, nothing is more bitter than
them." The clergy whom the world will follow, the Lord "will cast
into the dung heap" [latrine]. [16]
The clergy,
therefore, will become an instrument of the Antichrist. It will teach blind
obedience as a virtue of peace and salvation— a satanic obedience that will
demand from the "faithful" ignorance, disregard for the teachings of
the Saints, indifference to the Truth, and a superficial piety. "The lying
[shepherds] will first speak the truth and what is acceptable to all, and then
they will introduce falsehoods and doubtful teachings." [17]
The Antichrist will not close the
churches, nor will he burn them as was done in the past. Instead, he will fill
them with Christians who will be baptized, confess, receive Communion, and
perform acts of piety, yet in reality, they will not believe in Christ but in
the Antichrist himself. He will deceive the world by pretending to be Christ
and will strive to imitate Him in all things. Saint Hippolytus writes:
"…He will
perform many false miracles. At first, he will appear humble, gentle, beloved
by all, devout, a peacemaker. He will hate injustice, reject bribes, love the
Holy Scriptures, cherish priests, honor the elderly, flatter the youth, abhor
adultery, despise slander, love strangers, assist the poor, have mercy on
orphans, care for widows. He will prophesy future events, raise the dead, give
sight to the blind. He will be without greed, reconcile people, and all will
honor and love him. Everyone will say, ‘Let us make him our king, for such a
holy and just man does not exist in our days.’ And he will refuse kingship to
appear humble and holy. But when he finally becomes king, and his true face—the
face of hell—is revealed, woe to those who believed in him. Then the whole
earth will wail… They will envy the dead and beg for the graves to open so they
can enter them…" [18]
The Holy New Martyr Andronik,
Bishop of Perm, says:
persecution of the Church by a state that is not merely irreligious but
actively anti-Christian will inevitably follow… Whether we want it or not, such
a development is not far away. We must therefore prepare ourselves, for our
faith will be tested as in fire—first by the spirit of the Antichrist and then
by the Antichrist himself…" [19]
Thus, anyone who truly cares for
their salvation must begin to familiarize themselves with the idea of Walling
Off, so that when they see themselves being shepherded by enemies of Christ,
they may protect themselves and not be found among the foolish.
(Excerpt from the book: "The
Robbers of Divine Teaching," Part II)
[1] Syntagma by Rallis-Potlis, Athens 1855, vol. 5, p.
[2] Ezekiel 3:15.
[3] Saint Hippolytus, BEΠEΣ 6, 278.
[4] "Patrokosmas," 57th Prophecy, p. 39.
[5] Prophecy of Saint Nilus. Faithful copy from the book "Evangelikos
Kipos" of the Holy Monastery of Stavrovouni, Cyprus.
[6] D. Panagopoulos, "Saints and Wise Men on the
Events to Come," Prophecy of Abba Moses, p. 6.
[7] Matthew 20:16.
[8] Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, E.P.E. 2, 130.
[9] Abba Ischyrion, Gerontikon, p. 53.
[10] Great Gerontikon, Abba Pambo.
[11] John 10:1.
[12] The threats and persecutions against clergy and monks
who denounce impiety are in full effect in our times.
[13] Matthew 10:32.
[14] "A Hermit Bishop," Holy Monastery of
Parakletos, from an unpublished manuscript of 1334.
[15] 2 Thessalonians 2:3.
[16] Malachi 2:6.
[17] E.P.E. 30, 264.
[18] "Thesauros" of Damaskinos, Logos
XXIII, Rigopoulos edition.
[19] Hieromartyr Andronikos, "An Uncompromising
Hierarch," p. 88, Holy Monastery of Parakletos edition.
Greek source:
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