The present announcement concerns
the case of the Clergyman of the Holy Metropolis of Achaia and all
Peloponnesus, Fr. Nikolaos Dimaras.
The aforementioned Clergyman, on
June 9 and 10, 2024 (new calendar), sent a "confidential" electronic
message to Hierarchs of the Holy Synod, which, however, was widely
disseminated. In this message, with an inappropriate tone, he spoke abusively
and with false accusations against His Eminence Metropolitan of Attica and
Boeotia, Chrysostomos, without even first addressing him for explanations, in
accordance with the Gospel: "If your brother sins against you, go and
tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have
gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along
with you, that every word may be confirmed by the mouth of two or three
witnesses. And if he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if
he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a
tax collector." (Matt. 18:15-17). The motive for his attack was three
actions of the aforementioned Hierarch, for which Fr. N.D. wrongly accuses him
of supposedly having fallen from the Orthodox faith.
a) The granting of a portion of
the Precious Head of Saint New Martyr Argyrios of Epanomi, Thessaloniki, which
is kept in the Holy Monastery of Saint Menas in Anthousa, Attica, to the bishop
of the New Calendar of the saint’s birthplace. The granting was made so that a
relic of the saint would be present in his native land for the blessing of the
faithful, without any further continuation.
b) His presence at a conference
in Thessaloniki, organized in February 2024 by Metropolises of the New Calendar
in Northern Greece regarding the then-pending bill on the legalization of
same-sex marriage. His Eminence Chrysostomos, Metropolitan of Attica and
Boeotia, had traveled to Thessaloniki for the feast of our Cathedral of the
Holy Three Hierarchs. His unplanned visit to the venue of the conference did
not go unnoticed, and he was repeatedly invited to sit with the officials. He
did not wear an engolpion because his presence there was not
institutional. This has happened many times in the past, such as during the
presence of Hierarchs of our Church at the two major rallies for Macedonia in
2018 and 2019. No prayer was conducted as part of the conference.
c) The encounter during the
procession on Palm Sunday in Acharnes with the local Metropolitan of the New
Calendar and the publication of the event on the website of the Holy Metropolis
of Attica and Boeotia. However, the bishop of the New Calendar voluntarily
attended the great procession, standing outside a local church, venerated the
sacred icons of the procession, and greeted those present. Similar incidents
have occurred numerous times over the hundred years since the calendar change,
in various parts of our homeland and beyond. What transpired had no other
symbolism but simply expressed a peaceful disposition, which has not always
been a given. No Holy Canon was violated. Nevertheless, if, despite his good
intentions, the online presentation of the event caused scandal to some of the
faithful of our flock, His Eminence Chrysostomos expresses his sorrow and
offers his apology to those whom he inadvertently scandalized. Events that may
create misleading impressions among the flock should, clearly, be avoided.
It is made known that throughout
the duration of Fr. Nikolaos Dimaras’ attack, His Eminence Chrysostomos,
Metropolitan of Attica and Boeotia, maintained a publicly ecclesiastical and
discreet stance, referring only to his superior authority, the Holy Synod,
which discerned no issue of betrayal of the faith. The same discretion was
observed by the Clergy of the Holy Metropolis of Attica and Boeotia, whom His
Eminence prevented from making public statements in his defense, requesting
only from the Holy Synod the restoration of justice and truth.
The Holy Synod, during its
session on July 3/16, 2024, decided to summon Fr. Nikolaos Dimaras in order to
settle the matter and resolve any misunderstandings. However, he refused to
appear. He also declined a meeting with a committee of three Hierarchs and His
Beatitude at the Holy Monastery of the Archangels in Athikia, Corinthia, as
well as a discussion with the Most Reverend Chief Secretary, who had offered to
travel to him. He accepted only the visit of His Beatitude Archbishop
Kallinikos and His Grace Bishop Kallinikos of Talantion, which, however, proved
A month later, Fr. N.D. returned
with a text that was posted on a blog. In his text, using an inappropriate
tone, he accused His Eminence Chrysostomos, Metropolitan of Attica and Boeotia,
of supposedly giving a platform to a clergyman of the New Calendar during the
celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of his episcopacy at the Holy
Pilgrimage Church of Panagia Soumela in Aspropyrgos, Attica. The truth is that
this clergyman did indeed visit the Holy Church of Panagia Soumela, but during
the feast of Saint New Martyr Kassandra, at the Dismissal of the Divine
Liturgy. While standing among the faithful, he spoke on his own initiative and
briefly praised the pastoral work of His Eminence, expressing his respect for
our ecclesiastical standing and nothing more.
On September 12/25, 2024, the
Holy Synod summoned Fr. Nikolaos Dimaras to the First-Instance Synodal Court
for Presbyters on the charge of insulting a Hierarch, which, according to the
55th Canon of the Holy Apostles, carries the penalty of deposition: "If
any clegy insults the bishop, let him be deposed; for 'You shall not speak evil
of the ruler of your people.'"
On October 9/22, 2024, the
Synodal Court was convened, but Fr. Nikolaos did not attend; instead, he
submitted a memorandum through his legal representative. In order for the
Members to study the memorandum, the body suspended its proceedings.
The Court reconvened on October 17/30,
2024, where, during the deliberation, His Beatitude Archbishop Kallinikos
requested a suspension of the proceedings so that two Hierarchs could visit Fr.
N.D., in the hope of achieving reconciliation through the retraction of his
Indeed, Their Eminences [Metropolitans]
Photios of Demetrias and Klemes of Larissa and Platamon visited him and engaged
in a lengthy discussion with him, until he agreed to ask for forgiveness,
drafting a preliminary related text, and to sign whatever else His Beatitude
the Archbishop would request of him.
Subsequently, the Synodal Court
convened twice, on November 1/14, 2024 and on December 4/17, 2024, during which
the final draft of the declaration of repentance and retraction was approved
for Fr. N.D. to sign in order to conclude the case.
Subsequently, on January 27, 2025
(new calendar), Fr. N.D. sent an electronic letter to Hierarchs of our Church,
with an attached 135-page treatise, in which he stated—completely overturning
everything—that he remains steadfast in the positions he had originally
The Synodal Court reconvened on January
23/February 5, 2025, and, in the absence of Fr. N.D., having already exhausted
every measure of forbearance, imposed upon him the removal of the dignities of
Protopresbyter and Spiritual Fatherhood, as well as suspension from all
liturgical functions until his written and signed sincere repentance. This was
done as an act of extreme economia, given that his offense, according to
the canons, warrants the penalty of deposition from the high ministry of the
From the circumstances, it
appears that Fr. N.D. did not respect the decision of the Ecclesiastical Court.
Recently, he even launched a public attack against His Eminence Chrysostomos,
Metropolitan of Attica and Boeotia, adding new false and abusive elements to
the actual events on social media, causing scandal among the faithful and
completely disparaging the Holy Synod. For this reason, his case has already
been referred to Its judgment, based on the new aggravating evidence, so that
it may be adjudicated for his ongoing grievous misconduct.
It is emphasized that all the
members of our Holy Synod remain steadfast in the Confession of Faith of our
Church, particularly in the text: "The Genuine Orthodox Church Against
the Heresy of Ecumenism: Dogmatic and Canonical Issues" of the year
2014, without any retreat whatsoever. The same, of course, applies to His
Eminence Chrysostomos, Metropolitan of Attica and Boeotia, whose entire course
and actions unequivocally demonstrate his dedication to Orthodox principles and
The Holy Synod requests the
prayers of all the members of our Church so that we may preserve our faith and
unity unscathed by any kind of deviation, thereby walking in truth on the
salvific path of the divine Will.
From the Chief Secretariat of the Holy Synod
Athens, February 2/15, 2025.
Greek source:
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