Nikolaos Mannis | February 17, 2025
I have known His Eminence
Chrysostomos since childhood, but I do not belong to the circle of his
spiritual children, nor do I agree with him on everything. Therefore, what will
be written here does not come from a "follower" or
For a year now, His Eminence
Chrysostomos has been silently enduring a fierce attack from a well-known
clergyman who is under Archbishop of the G.O.C., Kallinikos.
Recently, this attack received
great publicity, and hundreds of like-minded supporters of the accusing
clergyman participated in an unprecedented online lynching of the personality
of His Eminence (who, to his credit—and in contrast to other fellow bishops—followed
the command of the Holy Scripture, not resorting to civil courts [see 1
Corinthians, Ch. 6]).
And while His Eminence is being
ridiculed as supposedly a "heretic" and a "traitor to the
Faith," some believe that the only one responsible for this attack is the
aforementioned accusing clergyman.
However, this is not the truth. Responsible
for this situation is the extreme ecclesiology (whether we call it Matthewite, Sakarellian,
etc.) that has been cultivated for decades within the ranks of the G.O.C., to
the point that anyone who follows the prudent and truly Orthodox line of Saint Chrysostomos,
formerly of Florina— which the ignorant call "Cyprianism"—is accused
of being a "heretic."
Unfortunately, the very Synod of
the G.O.C. under Archbishop Kallinikos refuses to take a clear stance on
ecclesiological issues, attempting to keep all sides satisfied with the
inconsistent ecclesiology it expresses, referring to the contradictory and vague
"Common Ecclesiological Text" it issued in 2014 (with certain points,
however, leaning towards extreme ecclesiology, thereby vindicating the
aforementioned clergyman).
However, the more the Synod
insists on not taking a clear stance, the more what it supposedly strives
for—namely, unity—will be at risk. The events themselves prove this exactly.
May there finally be a
clarification so that all of us (both we and the enemies of Saint former
Florina) may have our conscience at peace.
- Nikolaos Mannis
P.S. To the clergymen (both
high-ranking and low-ranking) of the Synod who are like-minded with the
accusing clergyman, I dedicate the following letter of their predecessors so
that they may determine who is truly following in their footsteps… They themselves
or His Eminence Chrysostomos?
[Translation of the scanned historical letter:]
March 29, 1956
His Beatitude the
of Athens and All
Greece, Kyr Kyr Dorotheos
Your Beatitude,
Wishing that the Lord may
strengthen you in the exceedingly great and beautiful work of shepherding the
Autocephalous Church of Greece, we duly render to you the respect that is due.
Drawing courage from the abundant
and broad education of Your Beatitude, as well as from Your well-known zeal for
the Church, we address You, being possessed by the most fervent and
unquenchable desire that troubled consciences may find peace, that mutual
respect may be established, and that a spirit of Christian magnanimity and
propriety may prevail among religious Greeks.
It will be known to You that
since 1924, Greek Orthodox Christians have been divided into two factions: the
New Calendarists and the Old Calendarists. We do not enter into either the
essence of this division or its originating causes, as they are well known to
Your esteemed and canonically well-structured Beatitude. Allow us only to
emphasize the gravest and most perilous consequences: the wounding of
ecclesiastical prestige, the banishment of the spirit of Christian love, and
the terrifying and unprecedented persecution of people who practice their faith
according to their conscience, regardless of the correctness or error of their
beliefs, for freedom of conscience is a sacred principle.
We are more than certain that
such consequences will surely grieve the soul of an ecclesiastical man who
views the Church not through the myopic lens of the immediate present, but
through the vast and boundless horizon of the Church’s eternity. Thus, for Your
most discerning Beatitude, the measures for establishing peace will not be
drawn from the outdated and dust-laden arsenal of force, but from the clear
heavens of Christian wisdom and love.
Being absolutely convinced of the
above, we appeal to You to be so gracious as to reconsider the course of action
hitherto applied by the Autocephalous Church of Greece towards the Old
Calendarists and to inaugurate a new approach, inspired by the undeniable
reality of the moral superiority of love over those who dissent.
Through the present letter, we
also request that You be willing to receive a delegation from among us, so that
it may orally convey to You our intentions.
With the timely hope that You
will prove Yourself worthy of the lofty missions of Orthodoxy and will grant
peace and tranquility to thousands of consciences, in the name of Him who said,
"Love one another," we remain with due respect,
The Ecclesiastical
The President + Archimandrite
Akakios Pappas
The Secretary +
Archimandrite Panteleimon Tsaloupis
Greek source:
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