1st Prayer, to St. Boniface the Merciful
O All-Holy Boniface, merciful
servant of the Merciful Master! Hear those who flee to thee, afflicted by the
destructive addiction to wine-drinking, and as in thy earthly life thou never
refused help to those who asked thee, so now deliver these unfortunate ones [names].
Once, O divinely-wise father,
hail struck thy vineyard, yet thou, giving thanks to God, commanded that the
few remaining clusters be placed in the winepress and the poor be summoned.
Then, taking the new wine, thou didst pour it drop by drop into all the vessels
that were in the diocese, and God, who fulfills the prayer of the merciful,
wrought a most glorious miracle: the wine in the press increased, and the poor
filled their vessels.
O hierarch of God! As by thy
prayer the wine was multiplied for the needs of the Church and for the benefit
of the poor and destitute, so now, O blessed one, diminish it where it brings
harm, and deliver those who surrender to the shameful passion of wine-drinking [names]
from their attachment to it. Heal them from this grievous affliction, free them
from demonic temptation, strengthen the weak, grant them, who are feeble,
fortitude and strength to endure this trial successfully. Restore them to a
healthy and sober life, direct them to the path of labor, instill in them the
desire for sobriety and spiritual vigilance.
Help them, O servant of God,
Boniface, when the thirst for wine burns their throat; destroy their
destructive desire, refresh their lips with heavenly coolness, enlighten their
eyes, set their feet upon the rock of faith and hope, that, having forsaken their
passionate attachment, which leads to estrangement from the Heavenly Kingdom,
they may be established in piety, be granted an unashamed and peaceful end, and
in the eternal light of the endless Kingdom of Glory, worthily glorify our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ, with His Beginningless Father and the Most Holy,
All-Good, and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.
2nd Prayer, to Venerable Moses the Black
O great power of repentance! O
immeasurable depth of God's mercy! Thou, venerable Moses, wast once a robber,
but then thou wast horrified at thy sins, grieved over them, and in repentance
camest to the monastery, where in great lamentation over thine iniquities and
in arduous struggles thou didst spend thy days until thy repose and wast found
worthy of Christ’s grace of forgiveness and the gift of working wonders.
O venerable one, thou didst
ascend from grievous sins to wondrous virtues; help also the servants [names]
who pray to thee, who are being led to destruction because they surrender
themselves to immoderate and harmful consumption of wine, which is ruinous to
soul and body. Turn thy merciful gaze upon them, neither reject nor despise
them, but hear them who flee unto thee.
Pray, O Saint Moses, unto Christ
the Master, that He may not reject them, the Merciful One, and that the devil
may not rejoice over their destruction, but that the Lord may have mercy on
these weak and unfortunate ones [names], who have been overcome by the
destructive passion of drunkenness. For we are all God's creation and have been
redeemed by the Most Pure Blood of His Son.
Hear then, O venerable Moses,
their prayer, drive away the devil from them, grant them strength to overcome
their passion, help them, stretch forth thy hand, lead them onto the path of
righteousness, free them from the bondage of passions, and deliver them from
wine-drinking, that they, renewed in sobriety and with an enlightened mind, may
love temperance and piety and forever glorify the All-Good God, who ever saves
His creation. Amen.
Russian source: https://azbyka.ru/otechnik/Feofan_Adamenko/trebnik-na-russkom-jazyke/57
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