Protopresbyter Nikolaos Dimaras, Th.D.
November 6, 2013
The theory concerning the
automatic and immediate loss of Grace in the Church, due to the abominable
introduction of the New Calendar, [1] which certain of our Orthodox brothers
support, is devoid of any theological and dogmatic basis.
As is known, the two
Metropolitans, Germanos of Demetrias and Chrysostomos of Florina, [2] for 11
years, that is from 1924 until 1935, accepted the calendar change, which they
also co-signed, and celebrated the feasts in their Metropolises according to
the "revised Julian" calendar. Moreover, as presidents of the
ecclesiastical courts (First and Second Instance), they judged and imposed
penalties against clergy of the Old Calendar for factionalism, disorder, and
disobedience toward the decisions of the Church of the New [Calendar] regarding
the Calendar [Innovation].
Together with [Metropolitan] Chrysostomos
of Zakynthos, they undertook the Holy Struggle of the Orthodox in 1935 and consecrated
four new Metropolitans: Germanos Varykopoulos of the Cyclades (June 5, 1935),
Christophoros Chatzis of Megara (June 6, 1935), Matthaios Karpathakis of
Vresthena (June 7, 1935), and Polykarpos Liosis of Diavleia (June 7, 1935), and
they formed a seven-member Holy Synod.
If the loss of Grace occurred
automatically with the introduction of the New Calendar, [3] then not even the
later bishop Matthaios, who led our Orthodox Matthewite brothers, would have
had Divine Grace, because it would have been lost due to the entire 11-year
communion with the New Calendarists who conecrated him as a Hierarch, they
themselves having been previously New Calendarists.
The two Hierarchs, Christophoros
Chatzis and Polykarpos Liosis, later returned to the Innovation and were
received without consecrations into the New Calendarist church, after the
Innovating schismatics promised and gave them metropolises! [4]
Kyr Matthaios, as is
known, alone and uncanonically—though not without reason from a spiritual point
of view—consecrated Spyridon of Trimythous in 1948, and thereafter performed
other consecrations together with the Bishop of Trimythous. [5]
Being aware of this uncanonicity,
our Matthewite brothers later, in September–October of 1971, and specifically [Metropolitans]
Kallistos of Corinth together with Epiphanios of Kition, accompanied by [Protopresbyter]
Eugenios Tombros, went to the USA and were consecrated in two different
liturgies (or were received via cheirothesia as schismatics) by the
Hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, which was under the
spiritual jurisdiction of Saint Philaret, whose relic was found incorrupt at
the time of its uncovering.
Our Matthewite brothers, who
present themselves as the most unyielding and pure Orthodox, who had condemned
as actually schismatic all the churches that followed the New Calendar, did not
hesitate to commune with and become canonically dependent upon a Synod which
concelebrated with clergy from Jerusalem and Serbia who, although they followed
the Patristic Calendar, recognized as canonical all the Orthodox Churches that
followed the New Calendar.
In 1973, our Matthewite brothers
elevated seven new bishops: Matthaios Makris of Attica and Megara, Nikolaos
Messiarakis of Piraeus and the Islands, Lazaros Athanasiou of Vresthena,
Pachomios Argyropoulos of Argolis, Theodosios Tsalagkas of Phthiotis, Eumenios
Sifakis of Heraklion, and Titos Vlachos of Servia and Kozani. [6]
Our Matthewite brothers were even
compelled to defend their consecrations by the Russian Church Abroad before the
Greek courts![7]
They too, therefore, derive
apostolic succession from the ROCOR. The dialogue with our Church, which was
interrupted in 1992 and aimed at union with them, was to take place on the
basis of the common confession regarding Apostolic Succession from the Russian
Church Abroad, that is, through the cheirothesia in 1971 over the
Matthewite bishops as schismatics. [8]
The Russian Church Abroad, until
1983 when they synodally anathematized Ecumenism under Saint Philaret, did
indeed follow the Patristic Calendar and maintained a strict confessional
stance against Ecumenism; however, they had indirect communion, through the
Churches of Jerusalem and the Serbian Patriarchate, with the New Calendarist churches.
They ignore or deliberately
overlook -- or many of our Orthodox brothers are deluded -- the indirect
communion of the Russian Church Abroad with the New Calendarists through the
Patriarchate of Serbia, [9] with which they never broke full communion. All our
bishops in the past received Apostolic Succession through the Russian Church
Abroad. [10]
Therefore, according to their
mistaken logic, neither do they themselves have the priesthood -- those among
them who were ordained as hierarchs and priests -- because they communed with
the ROCOR, who had indirect communion with the New Calendarists through the
Patriarchates (of Serbia and Jerusalem), which indeed maintained the Patristic
Calendar but always had and, unfortunately, still have to this day full
communion with the New Calendarists.
Erroneously or out of ignorance,
these our brothers claim that the ROCOR did not have communion with the New
Calendarists when they received the succession, in order to justify their
According to the anti-traditional
and anti-patristic logic which they develop, communion even with a single
priest of the ROCOR would suffice for the priesthood to be lost, because,
according to the Holy Fathers, he who communes with the excommunicated is
himself excommunicated.
And through the successively
transmitted communion, [11] the priesthood would retroactively be lost from the
entire Church, as Saint Theodore the Studite emphasizes!... Which is absurd.
We, of course, are not shaken by
the fact that the ROCOR had indirect communion with the New Calendarists,
because we have studied the history of the Church and the teaching of Saint
Theodore the Studite.
What then does the great
Confessor Saint Theodore the Studite write, authentically interpreting the
decisions of the Seventh Ecumenical Council?
Because many times heretics
prevailed in the Church, and indeed for long periods of time, those who derive
their orders from them, and those who concelebrated with them, according to the
unorthodox opinion of the aforementioned writers, must be considered deposed,
if deposition occurs automatically.
Therefore, all would then be
deposed, the priesthood would be found nowhere, and the priesthood would have
long since vanished from the earth, as well as saving Divine Grace and even the
Orthodox Church itself.
The heresy which is mainly
supported by our Matthewite brothers erases Grace and the Church from the
earth. For, as the Holy Great Confessor Theodore notes, “many such offenses
have happened and do happen in the Church.” For this reason, there has not been
found, nor is there found, any Saint who has investigated these matters in such
an unorthodox manner, nor has any handed down to us to preserve such a
tradition: “None of the Saints has been found to have investigated these things
in this way, for neither is it even possible, nor indeed has any delivered it
to us to preserve.”
1. Because any change of the Calendar had been pre-condemned
by the Pan-Orthodox decisions of 1582–3, 1587, and 1592.
2. Chrysostomos of Zakynthos [the third bishop who joined the
Old Calendarists in 1935] was consecrated within the Innovation, that is, in
3. Because the introduction had been pre-condemned.
4. Encyclical of the Innovationist church 753/16.02.1954, Synodical
Encyclicals, vol. B, p. 703.
5. Efstratiadou, The True Reality Concerning the Change of
the Calendar, p. 164.
6. After they re-laid hands upon those who had been consecrated
by one!
7. See the Ruling of the Court of Appeals of Piraeus 54/76 in
Orthodox Breath, 2005, p. 258. In 1971, “both in America and in Greece
all the Hierarchs with rejoicing foot and gracious eye received the
laying-on-of-hands,” notes Bishop Kyrikos Kontogiannis.
8. Orthodox Breath, 2005, p. 375. In recent years,
Bishop Kyrikos Kontogiannis continuously published material concerning the
recognition of the consecrations of our Matthewite brothers by the ROCOR. That
a laying-on-of-hands—cheirothesia—was performed by the Russian Church
Abroad is now indisputable after the ruling 54/76 according to the testimonies
of the former "Archbishop of the Matthewites, Kyr Andreas, Kyr Nikolaos
Messiakaris of Argolida and Peristeri, and formerly of Piraeus." One
therefore understands that what our late bishop, Kyr Kalliopios, had
stated concerning the cheirothesia—laying-on-of-hands—of the also late Kyr
Kallistos and Kyr Epiphanios was entirely true, since he was present at
their consecration in America.
9. Both at the time of the first consecrations of our
bishops, of the ever-memorable Akakios and the rest of our Hierarchs and before
them, and subsequently at the time of the consecrations of ever-memorable Kallistos
and the ever-memorable Archbishop of Cyprus, Kyr Epiphanios, and when
our Church was in full communion with the Russians.
10. That the ROCOR were always in communion and never broke
communion with the Patriarchate of Serbia and the corresponding one of
Jerusalem, we have pointed out many times in the past. See recently, Holy
Kollyvades issue of October–December 2003, p. 3, Der Bote, 1/1998,
38 (Official Organ of the Russian Orthodox Diocese of the Orthodox Bishop of
Berlin and Germany). Der Bote, 4/2000, 19, 20, 23. See also related
references in Monk Theodoretos [Mavros] (now Hieromonk), op. cit., pp.
13 and 14. See Russian Life, Feb. 1966, Orthodox Word, Jan.–Feb.
1966, Orthodox Russia, 1969, No. 5, The Orthodox Word, March
1969. See recently Orthodox Breath, issue of September 2004, pp. 152,
398 and the earlier issue of September 2003, pp. 375–379. See also in volume 11
of Ta Patria, p. 40, by the ever-memorable bishop of our Synod,
Kalliopios. See Vladimir Moss, The Tragedy of the Russian Orthodox Church
Abroad, Moscow, 2001, p. 6. Also Vladimir Moss, The Fall of the ROCA,
p. 364 ff. By the same author, Vladimir Moss, The Holy Struggle of the
Orthodox Christians of Greece 1919–1992, pp. 71, 72, and 73. See also his
letter of January 8/21 1995 attached to that work. Not only did they commune
with New Calendarists and Ecumenist Orthodox, but also the more “liberal” among
them, such as Leonty of Chile and Anthony of Geneva, attended ceremonies of
Latin heretics! Even the great ascetic and Saint John Maximovitch had New
Calendarist parishes under his jurisdiction, which remained on the New
[Calendar] for 24 years. In his speech at the Third All-Diaspora Council of the
Russian Church Abroad in 1974, [Archbishop] Anthony of Geneva, representative
of the “liberal” wing of the Church, presented the view that “the Russian
Church has never formally severed ties with Ecumenical Orthodoxy.” “Two letters
of our Synod to the Greek Old Calendarists,” he said, “are interesting, copies
of which were sent at the time to the Greek Archdiocese of America and to the
Ecumenical Patriarchate. The first on September 27, 1961: Our Church keeps the
old calendar and considers the introduction of the new calendar a great
mistake. Nonetheless, its practice has always been to maintain spiritual
communion with the Orthodox Churches that accepted the new calendar, as long as
they celebrate Pascha according to the decision of the First Ecumenical
Council. Our Church has never declared the Ecumenical Patriarchate or the Greek
Archdiocese of America to be schismatic, nor has it ever ceased to have
spiritual communion with them.” The second letter, dated October 3, 1961, reads
as follows: “Our Church keeps the old calendar and considers the introduction of
the new calendar a great mistake. Nonetheless, in accordance with the policy of
Patriarch Tikhon, we have never broken spiritual communion with the canonical
Churches which introduced the new calendar.” Vladimir Moss, The Holy
Struggle of the Orthodox Christians of Greece 1919–1992, pp. 72 and 73.
11. Of concelebration, according to Saint Theodore the
Greek source:
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