A Proposed Joint Greek / Russian Confession of Faith from 1973
In issue No. 20 of Pravoslavnaya
Rus, dated October 15/23, 1973, a note titled "A Much-Needed and
Timely Confession of Faith" was published. Among other things, it included
the following note:
zealous adherents of True Orthodoxy, the [Matthewite] Greek Old Calendarists,
have sent us a Confession of Faith composed by them, which we present below.
They propose that all who are willing sign it, which is extremely relevant in
our days of widespread apostasy from God, a departure from the true Orthodox
Christian faith, and all sorts of unacceptable innovations and modernism in
matters of faith, tied to a pursuit of some new 'reformation' intended to
change and remake everything in Orthodoxy to fit a new mold — keeping up with
the times, contrary to the significant affirmation of the Father of Orthodoxy,
Saint Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria the Great, who said: 'We must serve
not the times, but God.'"
The note was accompanied by a
"Confession of Faith," which we present here in full:
My request for
admission to the International Brotherhood of True Orthodox Christians
presupposes that:
1. I believe and
confess the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity consubstantial
and indivisible.
2. I believe and
confess that the Orthodox Church is the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic
Church of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and that there is no other church.
3. I submit to
the Holy Scripture, the Apostolic Canons, the Seven Ecumenical Councils, the
Local Councils, as well as the rules and teachings of the Holy Fathers. To
avoid any misunderstanding, I clarify that:
4.a. Based on
the words of the Holy Apostle Paul:
brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by
word or our epistle" (2 Thessalonians 2:15);
b. Based on
Canon 91 of St. Basil the Great:
"Of the
dogmas and preachings preserved in the Church, some we have from written
instruction, others we have received from the tradition of the Apostles through
a mystery. Both have the same force for piety. And this no one will dispute,
even if they have but a slight acquaintance with ecclesiastical institutions.
For if we venture to disregard unwritten customs as having little force, we
imperceptibly damage the Gospel in major matters or, rather, reduce the
preaching to a mere name without reality."
c. Based on
Canon 7 of the Seventh Ecumenical Council, Canon 3 of the Council of Carthage,
and Canon 21 of the Council of Gangra, I declare myself obedient and submissive
to all written and unwritten traditions of the Orthodox Church.
4. Based on:
a. The canon of
St. Cyprian of Carthage, rejecting any baptism or other sacrament performed
outside the True Church;
b. Canon 46 of
the Holy Apostles, which states:
"We command
that a bishop or presbyter who accepts the baptism or sacrifice of heretics be
deposed. For what agreement has Christ with Belial, or what portion has a
believer with an unbeliever?"
c. The
resolution of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside
Russia in 1971 in Montreal, according to which baptism is the correct path for
the return of a non-Orthodox person to the bosom of the Orthodox Church—
I confess the
exclusivity and catholicity of the Orthodox Church, as has always been
proclaimed by the Holy Fathers of Universal Orthodoxy (regardless of era or
place of residence), and further confess that outside the Orthodox Church there
is neither baptism nor any sacrament.
5. Based on:
a. Canon 10 of
the Holy Apostles:
"If anyone
prays with one who has been excommunicated from the Church, even in a house,
let him also be excommunicated";
b. Canon 45 of
the Holy Apostles:
"A bishop
or presbyter or deacon who has prayed with heretics shall be excommunicated. If
he permits them to act as clerics in any way, he shall be deposed";
c. Canon 65 of
the Holy Apostles:
"If any
cleric or layman enters a Jewish or heretical synagogue to pray, he shall be
both deposed and excommunicated from the Church";
d. Canon 6 of
the Council of Laodicea:
"It is not
permitted for heretics who persist in their heresy to enter the house of
e. Canon 33 of
the Council of Laodicea:
"It is not
permitted to pray with heretics or schismatics";
f. Canon 37 of
the Council of Laodicea:
"It is not
proper to accept festive gifts sent by Jews or heretics, nor to celebrate with
g. The
liturgical texts, which proclaim: "Pray, ye catechumens, to the Lord, ye
faithful, let us pray for the catechumens," as well as the priest's prayer
which states that the catechumens do not yet glorify "with us,"
thereby marking, even in prayer, a distinction between the catechumens and the
I promise that I
will not have communion in prayer or sacraments with schismatics or heretics,
or with those who pray with or commune with them.
7. Based on:
a) The words of
the Holy Apostle Paul:
"But though
we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which
we have preached unto you, let him be accursed" (Galatians 1:8, 9), for
the Holy Apostle, without hesitation, subjects even himself to anathema should
he distort the doctrine;
b) The
Pan-Orthodox Council of 1848, whose decisions were signed by Anthimus,
Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Hierotheus, Patriarch of Alexandria,
Methodius, Patriarch of Antioch, and Cyril, Patriarch of Jerusalem:
"Let us
hold fast to our Confession of Faith, handed down to us by such men, rejecting
all modernism as inspired by the devil. He who accepts modernism reproaches the
Orthodox Faith preached to us as incomplete. But our Faith possesses fullness
and perfection and tolerates neither addition, subtraction, nor any alteration,
so that he who dares to perform, think, or advise such a thing has already
renounced the Faith of Christ and has willingly subjected himself to eternal
anathema for blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, as though he were
misinterpreting Scripture or the decisions of the Ecumenical Councils..."
I renounce every
modernist attempt at "renewal," "actualization,"
"aggiornamento," or "revision" of Church Tradition; I
renounce any attempt to revise liturgical texts, fasting rules, or to divide
the Holy Canons into "dogmatic," "administrative," or
"disciplinary"; I renounce any division of elements of Tradition into
"essential" and "secondary," any changes in the order of
services, in iconography, in sacred music, in architecture, in clergy
vestments, in the relationship between priesthood and marriage, and any other
proposals that have been made or will be made in the future. Not only do I
reject all such attempts, but I also do not commune or pray with those who
allow, preach, practice,
8. Based on:
a) The three
anathemas proclaimed by the Pan-Orthodox Councils of 1583, 1587, and 1593 by
Patriarchs Jeremias of Constantinople, Sylvester and Meletius of Alexandria,
Joachim of Antioch, and Sophronius of Jerusalem against the Gregorian calendar;
b) The statement
of Metropolitan Philaret dated April 14/27, 1972, that "these
condemnations were never revoked by subsequent Councils. They remain valid and
binding for all Orthodox Christians. The introduction of the new calendar has
brought only schisms to the Churches that adopted it";
c) The statement
of Metropolitan Philaret dated September 10/29, 1971, that "the Gregorian
calendar is a violation of Orthodox Tradition";
d) The repeated
recognition of the Greek Church of True Orthodox Christians by the Holy Synod
of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad in 1969 and 1971—
I reject this
innovation as well and pledge to fulfill my religious duties and partake of the
Holy Mysteries only in churches that, among other things, adhere to the
traditional calendar of the Orthodox Church.
9. Based on:
a) The Sorrowful
Epistles of Metropolitan Philaret and his protests regarding the Orthodox
hierarchy as a whole;
b) The Provemont
Message (10th Conference of Clergy and Laity in 1972) and the clear statements
of some hierarchs faithful to Holy Tradition;
c) The fact that
the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad accepted priests from other jurisdictions
who had separated from their bishops who fell into heresy and schism, thereby
recognizing the validity of their voice of conscience and their decision to
d) The fact that
many non-Russian Orthodox communities seek canonical protection from the
Russian Orthodox Church Abroad for reasons of conscience; the fact that this
Church recognizes the validity of the objections of these communities and
accepts them under the omophorion of its bishops, ordaining non-Russian priests
and incorporating them into its clergy—
I pledge to
fulfill my religious duties in churches and under the spiritual guidance of
bishops and priests who are subject to the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox
Church Abroad or sister Churches that are in holy communion with it, whose
policies and conduct fully conform to the traditional requirements of Conciliar
10. Considering:
a) The
doctrines, philosophy, and goals pursued by secret and similar societies;
b) The fact that
these doctrines, philosophy, and goals contradict the teachings of the Holy
Gospel and the entire Church Tradition;
c) The fact that
these societies often conceal their goals and carefully hide their doctrines
under the guise of "religious" or "charitable" societies
and organizations;
d) The fact that
these societies often act indirectly through subordinate organizations,
exerting a harmful influence on youth or exploiting the need and poverty of
e) The warnings,
prohibitions, and anathemas periodically pronounced by the Orthodox hierarchy
against such secret societies—
I solemnly
pledge never to have any relations or dealings with any secret society,
regardless of its name or apparent composition, nor with organizations directly
or indirectly dependent on such a society.
11. Based on the
ancient sayings:
a) Of Saint
Vincent of Lérins: "To the Catholic Faith belongs only that which has been
believed always, everywhere, and by all";
b) Of the Holy
Councils: "According to the Holy Fathers" and "The Fathers have
spoken, and we speak";
c) Of the Synodicon,
which the Holy Church repeats every year on the Sunday of the Triumph of
"As the
prophets have seen, as the apostles have taught, as the Church has received, as
the Holy Fathers have defined, as the universe has accepted, as Grace has shone
forth, as Truth has been revealed, as falsehood has been banished, as Wisdom
has been established, as Christ has approved, so do we think, so do we speak,
so do we preach... This is the Faith of the apostles, this is the Faith of the
fathers, this is the Faith of the Orthodox, this is the Faith that has
established the world... All things newly introduced and arising against the
Church Tradition and the teachings of the Holy Fathers of blessed memory, let
them be thrice anathematized!"
In conclusion of
this vow, I confess a personal, free, and conscious faith; I confess my
unconditional acceptance and complete unity with the catholic doctrine of the
Orthodox Church as it is defined in the first canon of the Seventh Ecumenical
canons and decrees, which we gladly accept, we sing with the eloquent David to
the Lord God, saying: 'I have delighted in the way of Thy testimonies, as much
as in all riches.' Likewise: 'Thou hast commanded righteousness, Thy
testimonies forever: give me understanding, and I shall live!' And if the
prophetic voice commands us to keep God's testimonies forever and live in them,
it is clear that they remain indestructible and unshakable. For even Moses, who
beheld God, says: 'Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither
shall ye diminish ought from it.' And the divine Apostle Peter, boasting of
them, cries: 'Into which things angels desire to look.' Likewise, Paul
proclaims: 'Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto
you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.'
Since this is
true and confirmed to us, I rejoice in it as one who has found much gain. With
delight, I receive the divine canons and fully and steadfastly uphold the
decree of these canons, established by the six (seven) Holy Ecumenical Councils
and the local councils assembled to issue such decrees, as well as by our Holy
Fathers. For all of them, being enlightened by one and the same Spirit, have
legislated what is beneficial. And those whom they anathematize, we also
anathematize; those whom they depose, we also depose; those whom they
excommunicate, we also excommunicate; and those whom they subject to penance,
we likewise subject to penance..."
Thus, through
the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, the Holy Heavenly
Bodiless Powers, the prayers of Saint John the Forerunner and Baptist, all the
prophets, the Holy Glorious and All-Praised Apostles, the victorious martyrs,
the Holy Hierarchs and confessors, and all the God-bearing fathers and mothers,
I, unworthy,
call upon the protection of God and His Holy Gospel..."
The note concluded with the
following words:
'Confession of Faith' is an act of the inner life of the Greek Old
Calendarists... For us, it is precious as a vivid testimony of a deep awareness
of their confessional essence. And from this perspective, there is nothing to
add to this Confession — except perhaps the following! Where it speaks of
'heretics,' in our time, we must understand not only the ancient heretics
against whom the canonical rules were formulated, but also all the modern
'super-heretics' — God-fighters, apostates from God, Christ-haters, and
Satanists, with whom a True Orthodox Christian must have no relations
whatsoever — not only no prayerful relations but also no social interactions,
as our late First Hierarch, Blessed Metropolitan Anastassy, instructed us. All
the more so, one must not maintain friendly relations with them, accept gifts
from them, receive financial assistance, and so on. While some ancient heretics
were at times heretics only due to misunderstanding, thoughtlessness, or
ignorance, modern God-fighters, apostates from God, Christ-haters, and
Satanists become such through a particularly malicious disposition, a
determined effort of will directed toward evil. To have any interaction with
them is criminal, entirely impermissible, and cannot be justified by any
Russian source:
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