Wednesday, January 15, 2025

On Discussion about the faith: "God will not demand this of you..."

 Letter 694

Question: “If I am sitting in the company of certain fathers, and they are discussing the faith of one of them, that perhaps he is not thinking correctly, should I participate in the conversation as well or not? For my thought tells me that if I am silent, I am betraying the faith. And if they are having a simple conversation about doctrinal matters, should I say what I happen to know, or should I keep silent? Moreover, if I am asked [to say something], what should I do?”

Response: Never take part in conversations about the faith; for God will not demand this of you, but only whether you believe correctly what you have received from the holy Church at the time of your baptism, and whether you keep His commandments. So maintain these things, and you shall be saved.

Furthermore, it is not necessary to talk about doctrines; for this is beyond you. Instead, pray to God for all your sins, and let your intellect spend time on these matters. See, however, that you do not condemn within your heart those who do talk about doctrines; for you do not know whether they are speaking correctly or not; nor do you know how God will judge the matter. So, if you are asked, simply say: “These things are beyond me; forgive me, holy fathers.”


Letter 695

Question: “If the heretic happens to be arguing better than the orthodox brother during this discussion, is it then good perhaps for me to support the latter as much as I can, lest he be harmed in the orthodox faith by losing the debate?”

Response: If you enter into any conversation, speaking publicly before God and people, then you are considered to be the one teaching. Moreover, if one teaches without having authority to do so, then one’s words are not in fact assured by God but remain fruitless. So, if there is no benefit in your speaking, why is it necessary for you to speak at all? If, however, you truly want to be of assistance, then speak within your heart to God, who knows our secrets and is able to accomplish far more than we could ask for. He will deal with those who are debating, in accordance with his will, while you will find humility through this.

This situation resembles someone who imprisons another person by force and without just reason. When a third person sees what has happened, although he cannot do or say anything in opposition, yet he may go secretly to a more powerful person, who will send for the first person’s release on his own authority. Meanwhile, the one who imprisoned that man is troubled be- cause he does not actually know who reported it. The same also applies here. Let us approach God in the prayer of our hearts for our faith and for our brothers; then he who swore unto himself: “that he desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” and life will do with them according to his will.


Letter 696

Question: “Should I first ask to learn what they are discussing in order to be sure?”

Response: Ask for nothing that God will not demand of you. Nor contribute any dangerous words. Instead, be satisfied, as I have already told you, with the confession of the correct faith, and do not meddle in anything else beyond this.


Source: Barsanuphius and John, Letters, Volume 2, translated by John Chryssavgis (Washington, D.C.: CUA Press, 2007), pp. 248-250

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