23. To Archbishop Anthony of Geneva and Western Europe
July 23 / August 5, 1975
I think that the expression that
I "complained" about you to Vladyka Pavel is not entirely accurate.
It would be more accurate to say that I lamented that there has been a certain
change in your attitude.
Of course, Vladyka John was very
close to Metropolitan Anthony. However, I believe that I was also close to him
since 1922, especially since I lived in Sremski Karlovci in 1928-29, and even
more so when I worked with him, starting in 1931. I would be a hopeless fool
if, during this time, I had not learned anything from the Metropolitan.
In the matter of the calendar,
Vladyka was rather lenient, but not in the matter of the Paschalion. He
did not want to have any communion with the Finnish Church precisely because of
the Paschalion. However, I think that none of us at that time, before
the development of ecumenism, fully grasped the depth of the calendar issue as
an introduction to the current deviations. It was the first step toward the
present modernism. Taken separately, outside of this context, it appeared as
something undesirable, a violation of tradition and unity, disrupting the
liturgical yearly cycle, but nothing more.
I have never asserted the
gracelessness of the Moscow Patriarchate. I believe that any illness in the
Church spreads gradually and that until the final moment, when, as with the
Arian heresy, for example, the evil fully poisons the organism of some part of
the Church, one must be cautious in declaring someone graceless. Regarding the
Patriarchate, I cannot help but have doubts about hierarchs who are agents of
the KGB, but how can we accurately name them? That is why I always avoid
answering the question of gracelessness. Refusing communion with someone is not
at all equivalent to declaring them graceless. Only the Lord God knows this
definitively. In such an approach to the issue, I believe I am expressing the
"Antonian" thought. But Vladyka was very definite in his denial of
the sacraments of clergy banned by him (the Evlogians). He called their
communion the food of demons because he saw in the disregard of a lawful ban
blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
source: https://vishegorod.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=740&Itemid=151
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