Communiqué addressed to the Christians of
the Old Calendar Orthodox Church of Romania
everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but
he who does the will of My Father in heaven." (Matthew 7:21)
Man, created by God in His image
and likeness, has the possibility, once he is in the right faith and performs
the works of faith, to attain salvation. The devil, having fallen from heaven
due to pride, will always wage war against God's creation, a struggle that
affects the entirety of right-glorifying Christianity. At the beginning of the
Christian era, this struggle took the form of pagan reprisals; later,
infiltrating from within, the devil devised heresies, using suitable
individuals. Likewise, through dubious and controversial figures, the devil
struck at the Orthodox Church by introducing the Papist calendar.
Coming to our days, the devil has
once again changed his tactics. This time, he makes use of technology, of this
spider's web called the internet (net/web meaning "web" in English).
Information circulates freely and at dizzying speed from one place to another
across the entire world. Unfortunately, information can come from dubious
sources and be full of questionable elements. Moreover, through various photo
editing programs, many documents can even be falsified.
This communiqué is not
intended to misinform or denigrate anyone, but on the contrary, to try to
protect our Christians from false information.
Before refuting the information
being propagated, we will attempt to present here some of the information we
have regarding Archbishop Gregory, who resides in the United States of America.
We do not wish to slander or incriminate this "hierarch," but rather
to warn you about the kind of person he is and the manner in which, without any
basis, he makes unfounded accusations against our Church. We believe it is
absolutely necessary to defend our faith, just as our grandparents and
great-grandparents did when the calendar was changed in Romania and when
communism tried to extinguish the flame of Orthodoxy.
From his official website, under
the "Autobiography" section, we realize that we are dealing with a
proud man, as he begins with the statement that he "descends from an
illustrious Orthodox family in Syria." Reading through the content of the
"autobiography" and analyzing only the chapter titles, we can discern
that this individual has passed through most of the Old Calendar Synods,
remaining only briefly in each. It is likely that none of those Synods were
capable of matching his level of theological preparation or his
"exalted" spiritual life. These Synods include: ROCOR (the Russian
Synod Abroad), G.O.C. under Archbishop Chrysostomos Kiousis (the Old Calendar
Church of Greece), the Synod of Kallinikos of the Dodecanese, the Makarian
Synod—both in Greece—and ROAC (the Synod of the Russian Autonomous Church). He
also passed through Mount Athos in his attempt to become a bishop, a goal that
was achieved when he was "consecrated" in 2002 by the
"Synod" of Suzdal.
To see who this
"Archbishop" truly is (a very grand title—he leads a
"church" that is practically nonexistent both in terms of faithful
and doctrine), we will also publish a portion of a decision from the Synod of
Suzdal, of which he was a member. In Document No. 48 from July 2/15, 2004, the
following is stated about the aforementioned individual:
"During its session, the
Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church analyzed numerous complaints
received from the clergy and laity of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as
from other True Orthodox Churches, regarding the actions of His Eminence
Gregory (Abu-Asaly) from Denver, Colorado:
- Demanding baptism for true Orthodox Christians coming
from other Churches to be received into ROAC.
- Disobedience to the lawful decisions of the Synod of
- Interference in church affairs beyond the borders of
his own diocese, particularly ordaining a confessor there without the
consent or knowledge of the local Church authorities.
- Tyrannical and unfounded repressions against the
clergy under his authority."
Failing to correct himself, he
was deposed by his own Synod in 2004 but continued, going on to found GOCA, the
"Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of America."
From these lines, we can draw a
conclusion: Archbishop Gregory is afflicted with religious fanaticism, a
fanaticism condemned even by the Holy Apostles and stemming from a diabolical
pride. In this pride, he convinces another "bishop" to form this
"church" in which he continues to operate to this day. The
"bishop" in question, Ambrose Moran, was an unbaptized Catholic who
claimed to have "apostolic succession" from a schismatic synod in
Ukraine. Many photographs circulate online of this Ambrose dressed in Catholic
vestments and serving in their churches. The two consecrated a new
"bishop" in 2007, John. Later, Ambrose Moran left Gregory's group,
leaving the latter with only "Bishop John."
Therefore, dear ones, this
Gregory boasts in his videos that he is "the only bishop untouched by
stain, heresy, and schism." Do these words sound familiar to you? Do they
resemble, perhaps, those of the Pope of Rome, who considers himself infallible?
With devilish audacity, he "invited" the Synod of our Church to
receive a "blessing" from him, claiming that we are fallen and must
seek forgiveness from a "true bishop." What pride, what madness!
Since no Synod in the world
wished to have anything to do with the "archbishop," Gregory has
recently launched a campaign of denigration against all Old Calendarist
churches worldwide. Thus, in some of his presentations, he includes the Old Calendar
Orthodox Church of Romania as a subject.
It is clear that what he is now
doing with our Church is a staged theater, orchestrated by others, with him as
a servile executor who has received his thirty pieces of silver and reads what
is written for him.
We will not delve into details
nor bother to counter his false theories, as they are plainly visible, and the
faithful of our Church know the history of the Old Calendar Orthodox Church of
Romania as well as its canonical continuity.
However, how does he dare to
denigrate Saint Hierarch Glicherie? From the comfort of America, it is easy to
say anything about anyone. Gregory did not live in the cold of the forest,
surrounded by wild beasts. He was not dragged through a barbed-wire fence. He
was not struck by gendarmes with the butt of their rifles. But we are firmly
convinced that our faithful know well the sacrifices made by Saint Glicherie
and how he gave himself entirely to carry forward the banner of faith.
Moreover, we are even more
convinced that many of you, dear brethren, have experienced miracles performed
by our Saint. Therefore, we will not go into further details. As for the person
of Metropolitan Galaction, we can only be grateful for his return to the bosom
of the true Church and for the fact that he elevated us as a church
institution. Regarding the two (Saint Glicherie and Metropolitan Galaction), we
have an extensive presentation prepared two years ago, which can be accessed at
the following link:
But since our Church is sprinkled
with martyrdom's blood, and our ancestors gave their lives to defend it, the
devil brings all kinds of temptations to weaken our faith, to make us renounce
it, and to embrace falsehood. We are struck from within by the former
metropolitan’s struggle against the Church he led for 30 years. Then comes
Gabriel Ilășoaia, who, like an unskilled politician, fabricates all sorts of
accusations, especially against our hierarchy. From the outside, here is yet
another danger for us and for the faithful under our pastoral care.
At one point, we mentioned that
this Gregory is an "archbishop" of a "church" with very few
followers. We believe that he seeks naive people to follow him, in order to
gain certain benefits. He has already established two "parishes" on
our territory, in the Transylvania region. In this regard, I wish to inform you
that it is not canonical to participate in his "services" or those
conducted by his clergy. His mission is to divide and to pull Christians away
from the bosom of the true Church. Therefore, I urge you to be vigilant and not
fall prey to his lies.
Therefore, I felt the need to
draw your attention to this dubious and controversial figure from the United
States and to sense the stench of the wolf hiding beneath the sheep's clothing
he wears. Be followers of the Church founded, as mentioned above, on the
martyr's blood shed by Saint Hierarch Glicherie, as well as by other clergy and
laity. Even though we are going through a less favorable period, the Good God
will not abandon us; we consider this period a time of trial and temptation,
but if we succeed in overcoming it, with the Lord's help, we will become more
steadfast, more spiritual, and more elevated in our faith. In this regard, we
humbly ask you, dear brethren, to bend your knees in prayer, to raise
supplications for the peace of the Church, for the peace of the whole world,
for deliverance from enemies, for the conversion of the wicked to good, and for
the salvation of all Orthodox Christians.
Yours in prayer to God,
+Bishop Sofronie of Suceava
Translated from the original Romanian.
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