Question 32:
Question If someone commits a
great sin against somebody else, and then afterwards goes off and as a sinner
comes to repentance with the other and receives pardon from that person, has
such a sinner been forgiven also by God?
1. If the one forgiving is a
spiritual person or a worthy priest, perhaps forgiveness is given to such a
person also by God; but if not, the one forgiving will have gained great merit,
but the one forgiven is under obligation to repent before God. For Moses
himself forgave his own sister, Maria, when she had mocked him, and yet she was
struck with leprosy by God and sent into quarantine, and only then received
forgiveness. Similarly, when the whole people sinned against him, Moses for his
part forgave them, but when they failed to repent, God destroyed them. However,
as I mentioned earlier, account must be taken of the sin and of the repentance
of the sinner, because unless there is repentance, which is proper and made
before God, pardon will not be given to such a person. Suppose the case of
somebody who commits adultery with his neighbour's wife and receives pardon
from him, does it follow that he has also been forgiven by God? Certainly not,
unless he repents.
2. Indeed I know of somebody who
helped a whole people, and gave instructions to many persons, and because of
this received funds from many and used them for the poor and for the ransom of
prisoners. Then certain persons, moved by some diabolical energy, began to
spread calumnies about him, preventing the people from receiving further aid,
cutting off his funds, and causing harm to the poor. Afterwards they came to repentance
with him, and received pardon from him, but some time later they became
possessed by devils because of the people's judgement, due to the scandal they
had given.
3. It is necessary to know these
things: in that way when we forgive we shall do so willingly, convinced that
those who have offended against us continue to be subject to God, so they should
not be careless again, but after obtaining forgiveness from us they should make
their repentance before God.
Source: [St.] Anastasios of Sinai: Questions and Answers,
translated by Joseph A. Munitiz (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2011), pp.
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