Guard the purity of thy flesh in the
Lord, as a precious pearl. -- St. Ephraim the Syrian
The lust of the flesh is very seductive; it easily catches
the one who is careless and makes his soul a prisoner of the
devil. According to the word of the Lord, anyone who looks at a
woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matt.
5:28). This means that one can defile oneself without having any
physical contact with another person – simply through one’s eyes, through one’s
imagination and the desires of the heart. When lustful thoughts
enter the heart, they already defile a man (Matt. 15:20). For this
reason Scripture says, Keep thy
heart with all diligence (Prov. 4:23). Inasmuch as the
desires of the heart are often aroused in us through external impressions, one
must also strive to guard one’s bodily senses: sight, hearing,
taste, smell, touch. Referring to these, Scripture tells
us: death has come up through
your windows, it has entered into our land (Jer.
9:21). Through the senses, the seductions of the world penetrate the
heart and, even if it is full of good thoughts, they make of it a desolation,
as it is said: evil
conversations corrupt good manners (I Cor. 15:33).
Of all the external senses, sight serves as the most convenient transmitter of
deceptions, and for this reason it poses the greatest danger to
virginity. The lust of the eyes, which catch beguiling objects,
easily and quickly joins them with the lust of the flesh, and the man, without
regard for time or place, commits adultery with whomever he so
desires. Deliberately gazing at beautiful faces, this adulterer
always and everywhere carries and feeds within himself the indomitable beast of
unclean desire. What could be worse than such a
state? This is the same as a raging fever in which the afflicted, no
matter how much he drinks, cannot slake his thirst. The Scripture
says: look not upon another’s
beauty… for herewith lust is kindled as a fire (Eccles.
9:9). And what kind of pleasure can there be in the lust of the
eyes? Here there is no real pleasure, just a shadow, a surrogate, a
deception. Those who enjoy peace of heart are not those who give
themselves over to the lust of the eyes, but those who do not give themselves
over. No matter how much the lustful man tries to capture pleasures
for himself, he cannot retain them and make them last. Not so is the
consolation of the chaste: one can say that his whole life is spent
in enjoyment because his conscience is at peace and nothing agitates his heart;
it is always calm and looks joyously up to heaven, as if winged with the desire
of eternal good things.
Well, you might say, what harm is there if I look and am not
carried away by passion? The first time you may not notice any harm
to yourself, and if, as you say, you look once, twice, three times like this,
perhaps you will still be able to overcome passion; but if you begin to do this
often then you will surely be vanquished. For you are not greater
than the Prophet David who, we know, subjected himself to dangers from admiring
the beauty of the female sex. If you come close to a fire and burn
yourself, you will jump away at once; but once your soul is weakened by a
woman’s flattery, you will not turn away from her soon. In the Old
Testament, it is said: Turn
away thine eye from a beautiful woman… for many have been deceived by the
beauty of a woman (Eccles. 9:8).
In order to keep one’s eyes from beguilement, one should
lower them more often, recalling the words revealed by God to St.
Ephraim: “From the earth thou art taken, look therefore to the earth.”
One should be similarly careful in guarding one’s ears from hearing lewd
conversation, worldly songs, music which is pleasurable and weakens the soul,
because all this arouses in the soul impure love and carnal desire.
One must be particularly careful in one’s acquaintance with
the female sex. Just as a soldier who finds himself in the midst of
the enemy receives multiple wounds, so a man who has frequent contact with
women subjects his soul to many injuries. In the Old Testament we
read: Sit not at all with
another man’s wife, nor sit down with her in thine arms, and spend not thy
money with her at the wine; lest thine heart incline unto her, and so through
thy desire thou fall into destruction (Eccles. 9:9).
The sense of taste poses
great danger to chastity, and therefore one should avoid taking pleasure in
food and drink. Who has not noticed what ruinous consequences come
from indulging in sweet delicacies. Not without reason does the
Apostle say that the widow who lives in pleasure is dead while she liveth
(I Tim. 5:6). Strict guardians of virginity rarely ate sweet food
but nourished themselves chiefly with bread and water.
The sense of touch,
although less subject to temptation, even so is extremely dangerous to
virginity. For this reason, avoid physical contact not only with the
opposite sex but likewise refrain from touching those parts of your own body
which lead to the arousal of passion.
Of all the physical senses, smell poses the least danger to chastity; nevertheless, one
should avoid perfumes, which draw the soul towards effeminacy and dispose it
towards sensuality.
Besides all this, one must be very wary of impure thoughts
or imaginings; these subject a man to spiritual decay much more than fulfilling
the desire of the flesh within the lawful bonds of marriage. For
this reason, the Apostle says It is
better to marry than to burn (I Cor. 7:9). Those who live
in virginity must inevitably engage in warfare against carnal passion; and
those who are inexperienced or untried in this warfare are threatened with
being overpowered and falling; sometimes it even results in spiritual death,
for, as Apostle Paul says, to be
carnally minded is death (Rom. 8:6). All the more so, then,
are deeds born of lust considered deadly sins; it is said that no adulterer nor unclean person hath any
inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God (Eph. 5:5) if he does
not repent, if he does not in his mind and heart turn away from his sin.
Every man that striveth for mastery is temperate in all
things. (I
Cor. 9:25)
Although abstinence from carnality is a difficult virtue, it
is nevertheless possible, and in return, it rewards its practitioner with an
inexhaustible well-spring of consolation in God. If a man desires to
delight in spiritual blessings, he should strive to destroy within himself the
desires of this sin-loving flesh, to exhaust his “old man”; here, let him
imitate St. Ephraim the Syrian who said, “I torment him who torments me.”
All ascetic strugglers, as Apostle Paul writes, are
temperate in all things. Imitating them, you, too, should not only
refrain from eating anything that weighs down the body; you should not even
drink water beyond moderation, so as not to burden the heart with a surfeit of
drink and draw yourself away from the podvig
of prayer and vigilance. For, more than anything else, keeping vigil
with prayer aids in all that is good: it uproots passions of the
flesh, it motivates one to guard purity of virginity, and it plants in the
heart hope in God and love for God. “He who loves God,” writes St.
Maximus the Confessor, “will live an angelic life on earth, fasting and keeping
vigil, chanting and praying.”
It is rightly said in Scripture that neither adulterers nor
fornicators will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven (I Cor. 6:9). Apostle
Paul counsels us not to communicate with adulterers, placing them in the same
category with idolaters; one should not even eat together with such people (I
Cor. 5:11). And this is given not without reason, as we can see from
the following example.
Around the year 1140, there lived in the Kiev Caves Lavra a
hieromonk by the name of Onesiphoros. He had a spiritual son and
friend, a monk who gave every appearance of being a faster, although he freely
indulged in the sins of the flesh – a fact he kept secret from his spiritual
father. He was in good health when suddenly he died. His
body gave off such a stench that no one could come close to it. The
monks had to stand at a distance, and even so, they were barely able to conduct
the burial service. Covering their noses, they carried him away and
placed him in the caves. Many times the monks heard shrieks, as
though someone were being tormented. One night St. Anthony appeared
to Onesiphoros and said to him sternly, “Why have you put here such an
abominable man of iniquity? He defamed a holy place.” The
next night Onesiphoros again heard a voice: “Quickly throw him out
of here; give him to the dogs. He’s not worthy of being here.” This
shows how offensive to God and His saints is the secret sin of one who indulges
the flesh. Not only his soul, but even his lifeless corpse is
intolerable for them. Justly does the Apostle write: Every sin that a man doeth is without the
body, but he that commiteth fornication sinneth against his own body (I
Cor 6:18).
One must also be aware that without God’s grace, no one can
preserve the purity of virginity; it is not granted to the
negligent. One must have ardent love for the study of God’s wisdom,
eat and drink in moderation, and keep the body under subjection by vigils,
labors and prayer. Without this, one inevitably faces a battle with
the lust of the flesh, is overmastered by it, and falls into sinful
impurity. The saints have observed that for pride and judging
others, a man is also allowed to suffer fall from the despoiler of the flesh,
and that to guard one’s purity it is very beneficial to frequently have
confession and partake of the Body and Blood of Christ.
Source: How a Youth
Can Guard His Path in Purity [in Russian], Moscow, 1910.
English source: Orthodox America, Issue 97, Vol X, No.7, February 1990.
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