[Question:] One of the important reasons why priests and believers do not join us on the path of ceasing communion with the ecumenist heretics is that they follow the example of hierarchs who, although they did not sign the documents from Crete, still maintain communion with heretical hierarchs. How do you explain this scandal, and how could it be removed?
Elder Sava [Lavriotis:]
Orthodoxy must not only be
confessed in words; it must also be confessed in deeds. These people—bishops or
clerics—who claim to be against ecumenism but bow to these Bartholomew [of
Constantinople] or Daniel [of Romania], or any other patriarch, do the greatest
harm to the Church. We will try to address this situation with examples from
the Holy Fathers.
There was an abbot during the
time of St. Theodore the Studite, when everyone was being persecuted. We have
the example in the letter of St. Theodore the Studite to Abbot Eustratius, whom
he accuses of confessing the faith but not being persecuted in his monastery.
In the letter, he asked him: "How is it that you remain in the monastery
and are not expelled, while we are persecuted and all of us have been deposed?
This means that you have an understanding with them; you are in communion with
Here, most of our fathers and
sisters are being expelled for their faith. Bishops and other priests who claim
to be Orthodox—why are they not persecuted? Do you think that if a bishop in
Romania had an Orthodox mindset and had ceased communion with Daniel, he would
not have been expelled, would not have been persecuted? Of course, he would
have been defrocked. That is the true confession.
What these people are doing is
simply deceiving the world. And unfortunately, we have such people in Greece as
well, like Seraphim of Piraeus or Hierotheos Vlachos, the metropolitan of
Nafpaktos, who comes here and gives speeches, telling you to follow your
bishops because they are good, even those who accepted the council of Crete. In
Greece, he said the council was not so good. Now, he has started to say there
that the council is good. These are the bishops and clerics who waver when it
comes to the faith.
But those who follow them are
also at fault because they follow them since their position suits them. They
say: "We fight for the faith, and we are not even persecuted. We have
both. You, the persecuted ones, pull the snake out of its hole."
Romanian source: https://ortodoxlogos.ro/2018/08/14/despre-cei-care-promoveaza-o-cale-gresita-dupa-modelul-ierarhilor-care-pastreaza-comuniunea-cu-ierarhii-eretici/
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