By Abbess Elizabeth (+1999) of the Convent of the Annunciation, Willesden, UK
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, deliver us from the seductions of the soon coming God-abominating and wickedly crafty antichrist, and deliver us from all his wiles. Shelter, in the mystical wilderness of Thy salvation, my spiritual father N., all of us his spiritual children, and all our Christian neighbors, from his artful snares. And grant us, O Lord, that we might not dread the fear of the devil more than the fear of God, and so apostatize from Thee and from Thy holy Church. Rather, do Thou grant us, O Lord, to suffer and to die for Thy holy name, and for the Orthodox Faith, and neither to deny Thee nor to accept the seal of the accursed antichrist or to bow down before him. Day and night grant us, O Lord, tears for our sins, and be merciful unto us, O Lord, on the day of Thy dread judgment. Amen.
Source: The Shepherd, August 2004.
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